Ack, time to get the brooder ready NOW!

I think I shall go stand in their lobby and glare at the door to the back.

That's exactly what I did, 2 weeks ago! They also called me 30 minutes before opening. I was there 10 minutes before.​
Wow, do they always send extras? I ordered 25, I got 32, all thriving!


More pictures to come when I can find the darn camera!
Did you burn holes through the glass?

Beautiful babies!!! Wow, 32!!! That is compensating!
I just love mixed chicks! So much eaiser to tell who's who
and what got what! Sooooo pretty!!!!
Wow, what cuties! Oh boy, 32!!!

Are you keeping all of them?
I ordered 25, more than I can keep already, so I hope I don't end up with 32! Oh well, I'd just have a few more to place on craigslist I suppose. Already have home for some with a friend and my mom.
I have room for them, but wowsers! The cute is murdering me guys, all I have managed to do all day is coo and giggle, I haven't got a bit of housework done!
Ok I got mine early this morning but I wasn't able to take too many pictures because the batteries were dead.
Here they are: We ordered 45, got 50.


A yellow one:

Another Yellow one.

Partridge Rock

Sorry the pictures are so big. I got them from FB so I am not sure how to resize them.
Awwwww!!!!! What Sweet babies!
I'm going on day two and there is a MOUNTAIN
of laundry on the side chair, I'm supposed to have
a poster finished by monday, it's our 7th anniversary and I don't
even want to go out....
My white walls look GREEN from staring at the red light
and red box full o chicks!

I'm worthless!!!!
Okay, I counted them out finally, had to separate them into boxes to do it! Order placed: 10 California White, 10 Ameraucana, 5 assorted bantam cochins. Order received: 11 CW, 11 A, and a whopping 10 BC! Double the tinies!

STILL CAN'T FIND THE CAMERA, my cell phone is so not doing them justice! I did have one of the A attack the other ones toe and had to break it up because he was determined to swallow that toe, I was able to laugh after the fact but what a moment of
when I saw one running one legged, with another chick's face attached to its foot!
my chickies are finally here! The post office call this morning and asked if I wanted to pick them up, or the mail carrier could bring them to my house in about 45min. To my door! So of course asked for them to my door.
OMG!! they are so cute! I had no idea how musical they would be!
Pictures coming in just few minutes...

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