Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

I think the red fluid is ok. My ducks' egg shells each had a little blob of gooey nasty greenish stuff (sorry, that's morbid).
So you have how many eggs in there? And so far 2 have hatched? They probably won't eat for a while because they absorb the yolk, which "feeds" them all they need for up to three days
Yes I found that stuff, yuck! And it looked like they pooped in there too. I didn't see any more red/blood so I think it's all good. The 2 ducklings are quiet as it's dark in the brooder. I didn't expect them to eat but the oldest one was nibbling on the hemp fibre (it's like shavings, but without dust and toxic fumes) in the brooder and on my clothes.

There's 4 eggs that have pipped but not yet hatched and Donsje's egg in the incubator. So that's 5 eggs in total.
Ok. Do you have a heat lamp? It needs to be around 100° in there for them. And you lower it about 5° every week. If they're too hot they'll pant and probably spread out. If they're cold the cuddle right under the heat
No, I bought a heating plate where they can sit under. It was really hot on the surface, so I didn't want the ducklings to touch it, even though they should be fine with that (according to the description). I put a thermometer on the surface went up to like 45
F! I put the thermometer on the gound under the plate and it's around 30ºC/86ºF there. They're not squeaking or anything when I checked them before it got dark they were laying comfortable under there. I think the temperature is OK for them

One of the eggs turned "bruised"/turned purple in the air sac after it pipped. Is this normal?
Egg four hatched, but duckling 3 was pecking his belly. I took out duckling 3 and put it in the brooder.

Duckling 4 has the nasty gooey stuff stuck to him. It's stuck to his navel (I think) with a small red thread. I don't know if this is a vein or blood but I didn't dare to take the green gooey stuff off! What is this?

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