Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

Thank you! Yep they're all mallards. One of them just tried to escape the fish tank, he jumped on the heating plate and then tried to get out! I think they'll have to move to a bigger cage sooner than I expected.

I didn't fully clean it, only the bottom plate and I dried off the top. It took about 10 minutes. I really hope Donsje's baby makes it.

How're your babies doing?
Almost there!

Ouch. It's not bleeding I hope? Mine had something like that too. I just checked their bellies and I didn't see anything (they're fluffed up now though)
We are going into winter so your pics keep me going! If you are ever in doubt about assisting, look up 'the step by step guide to assisted hatching' on this site. I have read it 50 times at least, and no doubt will again. I read it every time someone's unzipping....calms me down

Thank you! I took them out for a morning cuddle and they started to sleep in my arms! So adorable

They're making a huge mess in the brooder. There's food and water splattered on the walls haha

I scrolled through the article but luckily it wasn't necessary. They all unzipped very quickly! Donsje's egg is still in the incubator and it's on day 18
Oh I just die for a cute black mask on a yellow you can probably tell! Adorable. Day 18 is still ok. Tie your hands together, do whatever you have to, the best thing you can do now is not handle that egg.

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