Adding a fan to the Incubator? - Added Pics

Looks great
You may want to put a little screen over it so when babies hatch they don't accidently get their little body parts in it.
Thats another good thing about these computer fans. On low speed this plastic fan turns slow and I doupt they could hurt anything. I may cover it anyway just to be safe
Very Nice job Snakeoil

My fan might be just a bit larger than yours? Looked like I might be too close to the windows so I didn't try it that way.

I notice this during experimenting. First a very constant temperature after adding the fan. Also I added two small cups of water under my screen. The one near the fan evaporated quickly and the other was still full. Maybe this can work to my advantage in raising the humidity right before lockdown. Of course this makes sense the closer I move my water to the fan the quicker it will evaporate.
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