Adding a hen to the mix


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 10, 2014
I have five 6 week old lavender Orpington chicks. I am wanting to add at least one lavender amaurecana (spelling?) hen to the mix so I can get eggs now. It will be awhile till I get eggs from the Orps. I have had the Orps in their new coop for about 2 weeks, and just let them out into the run the other day. It started to rain and the little silly ninnies stood out in the rain and I had to catch them and put them in the coop. Now today a couple days later I am trying it again. I let them out and they are loving it. I just hope they learn to go back in and out during the day and at night. I need to know when it is okay to add a hen.

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