Adding a new bird to a flock


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 1, 2011
Ok, so my partner decided to buy me a single Easter Egger chick. Not sure how old as I haven't seen it yet, and he didn't say (he's out of town at the moment and won't be back until monday). I've been talking to him about wanting Araucanas, and blue/green eggs, so I guess this is his way of trying to give me that. I've also meantioned to him that I want a couple, as it will make introducing them to my four leghorn/austrlorp crosses a little easier... But he only bought a single chick and I'm annoyed because this will make it harder on the little one. I know I need to keep the younger one separated for a bit, and that free ranging them together for a few days before trying to put this one in the pen with the others to sleep is a good idea. But what else should I do?
Ok, he just sent a picture of his daughter holding the new chick, I don't think it will be going out back for a while. Looks a little young, but cute.
Looks pretty big - I'd guess at least a month old maybe month & half. I'd have to see it's feathering first to guess age better. You could keep it quarantined in a brooder for several weeks and put in a stuff doll & mirror & heat lamp. I'd love to get an EE chick - but you're right it's better to get a couple at least to move them in as a group. Could you get another EE chick to put with it?
I usually introduce mine to the flock during the night when there roosted keep the lights off that way they kinda wake up togather in the morning usually goes better this way.
Apparently this was the last EE chick the breeder had left. If I had been there I would have picked something else out to go with it, but,

It's much smaller then my other four when I got them, which were my first pet chickens ever, that's all I know.

Thank you for the advice.

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