Adding a Roo for the ladies


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 22, 2008
Vista, Ca.
Hello all. I have 28 hens. Varying ages. Most over a year, 12 EE about 5 months old and a little one we hatched with a broody hen. My SIL has a young roo she would like to rehome. I had one several years ago but he was a bit agressive so he was given away. This guy is a beautiful Barred Rock with a mello disposition. So far. Would he be out numbered with my 28 hens? Do you think he could handle the laddies? What do you think? Gina
What a lucky roo!

a single rooster can fertilize 10 hens well. He could take on the entire flock of 28, but do not expect an extreme amount of fertile eggs(at least that's what I heard). If you would like to give the ladies a roo to keep them "company", the roo would be very happy to do so, but if you want a roo for lots of fertile eggs and baby chicks, you might consider getting 2-3 roosters instead of one. In my opinion, you should get the roo to make your flock happy.

Good luck!
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i have had 1 roo with 30 or so hens and he was in paradise...he loved it....he was a BO roo but he got mean and wouldnt let me go into the coop so i got ride of him...i felt bad but it had to be done
Yes that's mostly my thinking as well. I don't really plan to hatch chicks. Maybe later if one of my girls go's broody but tha't not the reason I'm bringing him home. I just think it's good for the flock. And my SIL says his dad, Her main Roo is great. Very calm and not agressive. My last roo would chase me off, and I let him so we had issues.

I am mainly worried about his age and the older girls beeing bossy. I think is instinct should guide him through. What do you think??
Remember, get a roo because YOU want one. For fertilized eggs, guard and that is against you, kids, and company if he has to, and he has to!
Not all roos are aggressive, I had an Ameraucana and he was the sweetest, yet others claim they can be tough to work around. (of course each time my roo got close to me, I wanted HIS body to pick up and make of! He didn't want ME- lol)
So choose the breed, size and personality for what you want him for. My girls seem happier with out dodging that baby do ya wanna dance! ha ha! Good luck!

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