Adding a rooster to 6 hens


Oct 25, 2017
Hi there quick question since i am a newbie with chickens. Is there a certain way to introduce a rooster to our flock. Our ladies are RIR and the rooster that we selected is also a RIR. The rooster is a gentle one according to his owner. Just would like to know what is the best way for that initial introduction. Thank
After a period of quarantine (2 to 4 weeks) to make sure he doesn't have external parasites like lice or mites, or a lurking illness, then let them see each other through a fence for a couple of days.

Then let them free range and watch the rooster. He will likely try to impress the girls so that they join his harem.

Good roosters will dance and flutter around the girls, calling to them and trying to entice them with food treats. Aggressive roosters will simply chase them down, grab them and harshly mount them with the hen screaming. Some get so aggressive they can hurt the hen. Aggressive roosters will do that all day long.

I find aggressive roosters best served with rice.

Hopefully your boy is as sweet as the previous owner says and will charm your girls lavishing them with gifts and care.

He may even get hazed a bit by the alpha hen, which is fine. He will in time charm her too.

After a period of quarantine (2 to 4 weeks) to make sure he doesn't have external parasites like lice or mites, or a lurking illness, then let them see each other through a fence for a couple of days.

Then let them free range and watch the rooster. He will likely try to impress the girls so that they join his harem.

Good roosters will dance and flutter around the girls, calling to them and trying to entice them with food treats. Aggressive roosters will simply chase them down, grab them and harshly mount them with the hen screaming. Some get so aggressive they can hurt the hen. Aggressive roosters will do that all day long.

I find aggressive roosters best served with rice.

Hopefully your boy is as sweet as the previous owner says and will charm your girls lavishing them with gifts and care.

He may even get hazed a bit by the alpha hen, which is fine. He will in time charm her too.

How old is the rooster? How old are the hens? Are they fully mature or still cockerel and pullets. Age can have a lot of influence in how they interact.

If they are all mature this is about the easiest integration there is. Turn the rooster loose with them, he mates a couple to show his dominance, and it's over and done. The dominant hen may resist and cause some drama but usually not much if any.

If any of them are immature the situation changes. It's pretty likely there will be some drama. But tell us the ages so we can discuss that.

Welcome to the forum, glad you joined us.
I find aggressive roosters best served with rice.

Line of the day...

But honestly she is spot on.

My rooster, Randy - he likes the ladies, but is so nice to them. Sometimes he dances and never mounts. Always gives them the grub worms or bread pieces I throw him. Doesn't let them fight. He's always the last in the coop at dusk and if there is a straggler he'll coax her in. To me, roosters add a little something to the flock dynamic (provided he's cool and all) that you just don't have with all hens.
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