Adding Flock Mates After a 3 week Separation


5 Years
Jun 28, 2014
I bought three 5 month old Easter Egger's three weeks ago. I am now about to go pick up three more Easter Egger's who were flockmates to the ones I bought. Will they still remember their flock mates after a three week separation or will it be like starting over with "new" birds?

Edit: I forgot to mention, that until I get the three Easter Egger Flockmates, I only have the original three Easter Egger's in an 8x10' coop. That will bring the total to my max chickens of six hens. No Rooster.
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No they won't remember and will think of them as strangers. However, they will be the same size as the original birds, you are adding the same number of birds..... I would put them in at night, add an extra water bowl and not expect a great deal of trouble.

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