Adding heavy chicks in with seramas hen


9 Years
Oct 20, 2013
Southeast, IA
So we had a pretty good windstorm break a latch on my coop door while I was at work and all but 1 of my seramas escaped. I penned her and left the pop door open should they try to return at night time but alas it has been a week and no sign of them. The latch is now replaced with something much stronger. So now it's just Greta and 25 standard chicks I had previously ordered. I had planned on brooding them in our garage but now with so much coop space available I am wondering if I can add them in with Greta. I thought this might help her in the long run too establish her spot in the pecking order so when she is by far the smallest she has a relatively established position. (There is a spot in the coop smaller bantams can escape the heavy hens when needed). Has anyone tried this? I have electrical and a brinsea chick warmer that can go out there. Thoughts?

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