Adding new chicks to your flock


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
I have 3 hens and 1 Roo all 14 weeks old and I purchased 2 other babies who are now 8 weeks old. 1 Is a Roo that I am currently trying to find a home for since we aren't technically allowed to have Roos' where we live. I have been able to keep the one 14 week old Roo I have (knock on wood) Because his crow is broken and very faint. Hoping he doesn't get louder or he has to go too :(
Anyways, we built a sectioned off area of the coop where they have been able to interact through chicken wire for 2 weeks now. I had been reading other post about how everyone else on here introduces new chicks to their flock and hoping this method was going to work. I decided to let my little girl out yesterday to see how they would interact and she was so happy running up to the rest of the girls and here comes my little Roo grabbed her neck feathers and would not let go. She was screaming I felt so bad for her. :( I hurried to grab her and put her back on her side of the coop.
Has anyone had this problem? If so what do you recommend? I was thinking he was probably trying to protect the other hens but I thought since they had seen each other for about 2 weeks through fence it might go a little smoother. I am new to this wonderful chicken world and I definitely want to add more hens to my flock. I just didn't know if I did something wrong or maybe too soon?
If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it! If it helps any I have all Bantam Chickens most being Japanese including my Roo which I think is a Grey Japanese bantam.
It's a rooster. Roosters do what roosters feel like.

I have a rooster who could not, for the life of him, get a hen. We had 3 roosters, plenty of hens, but our other roosters all stole the hens. So what did this guy do? He'd take the chicks, hold them down, rape the ground, and then let them go.

I'm thinking this is what is happening here. The hen isn't old enough to breed, or big enough enough, so he just grabs her neck. Next time I'd lock up the rooster. He shouldn't really care about her at this point, but it may have to wait until she's full grown to be fully transitioned into the flock, unless you leave them alone and let him do what he's doing. It won't necessarily kill her, but it's very stressful and painful I'm sure.
It's a rooster. Roosters do what roosters feel like.

I have a rooster who could not, for the life of him, get a hen. We had 3 roosters, plenty of hens, but our other roosters all stole the hens. So what did this guy do? He'd take the chicks, hold them down, rape the ground, and then let them go.

I'm thinking this is what is happening here. The hen isn't old enough to breed, or big enough enough, so he just grabs her neck. Next time I'd lock up the rooster. He shouldn't really care about her at this point, but it may have to wait until she's full grown to be fully transitioned into the flock, unless you leave them alone and let him do what he's doing. It won't necessarily kill her, but it's very stressful and painful I'm sure.
Just answered my question to.
Oh man... I just feel bad for her. Right now I have her in the other side with one other chick whom I though was a hen but turned out to be a roo. I am in talks with a few people who are interested in taking him so when he goes she will be all alone on that side and I just fee so bad for her. I'd hate to just allow her to go though that either. he hasn't done that to any other hens so that's what made me think he was trying to protect the others. I'm kind of lost on what I should do. Thank you for your advice! It's much appreciated!!

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