Adding new chicks!

Mar 26, 2022
Hello! I'm going to be adding 2-3 chicks to my flock this spring, but I'm having trouble deciding on breeds. I've had good luck with Australorps and Ameraucanas. Any favorites from y'all? (I'm looking for standard breeds, not bantams) 😊
I like buff orpingtons because they are versatile, friendly (one regularly steps on my foot when I feed and I have never cuddled them). They are meat and egg, and quiet (don't fuss when they lay or fight over food). I have three different breeds and an Orpington is sitting on eggs for me now. One thing: their butts are fluffy and the rooster has a hard time getting the job done.
I have a Rhode Island Red that is making some absolutely massive eggs and a beautiful Australorp out in my yard right now, so I'd probably go with those (and actually have some of those in my brooder right now!)

Also, I would have to suggest getting at least 4 chicks if you can afford the space. They do much better if they grow up with more friends. And there is always the risk of losing one for various reasons which would be really bad if you end up with only 1.
I'm in the city with a no-rooster rule and a 5-hen limit...garr. I've considered buffs, bielfelders, etc. I'll probably go with Australorps, thanks for the advice!
Update: I believe I'm getting chicks from TSC, and I have another question to put to y'all chicken experts. Do I really need to get them vaccinated for Marek's, or is it not a big problem?
Any favorites from y'all?
Do I! But one of my goals is to raise them for meat, another is for at least some of them to go broody. My goals may not be what you are after. So, what are your goals?

You might go through these breed selectors an see if you like the results.

Breed Selectors

Or go through Henderson's Breed Chart to see what traits to expect, then go to Feathersite to see what they look like.

Henderson’s Breed Chart


But since you are going to Tractor Supply you are going to be limited to what they have. You may not have that much of an option.

Also, Tractor Supply is supposed to have a six chick minimum as a corporate policy. That's in place to reduce animal cruelty and abuse. You might want to talk to the people at Tractor Supply to see what their policy is. You may need to find someone to split an order with you.

Do I really need to get them vaccinated for Marek's, or is it not a big problem?
Do you have Marek's in your flock? Most of us don't. If you get Marek's in your flock it can be horrible. Often half your chickens are affected, either crippled or dead. It seldom wipes out the entire flock but it can.

If your flock has Marek's or gets Marek's it is a big problem. If they don't it is not a problem. Getting them vaccinated does not prevent them from catching Marek's but it stops them from developing the tumors that cause the problems. It's a personal decision. I do not vaccinate mine and it hasn't been a problem. That could change any day or it may never change.
My goals are for chickens that are half egg-laying, half emotional support 😝. My previous hens have never had Marek's, and my caretaker (For while I'm on vacation) is not in contact with other hens. I'll look at the links, thanks!

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