Adding one silkie to four Buff Orps?


10 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Central Massachusetts
I have a hypothetical question...
I currently have 4 one-month-old buff orps. They are all quite friendly and sociable, as I know buff orps tend to be. however, i'm fascinated by silkies and would love one! The farm I used to work at (petting zoo type) frequently has baby chicks on display, and baby chicks grow into adults that take up room in the chicken coop. I know they have mostly bantams, and I think I might be able to talk my old boss into letting me buy/adopt a silkie hen once she's no longer a cute baby chick. (also by that point, established as a pullet or roo)
Would it be cruel to introduce one lone hen to an established flock of four? Can a silkie live with bigger hens? Space is limited, and i don't want over crowding- everyone will have to live together. They will be "roughly" the same age (+/- a month-ish), but I'm sure the BO's will be bigger. Will she eventually fit in? I know buff orps tend to be at the bottom of the pecking order anyway, and are generally more gentle. Anyone have words of wisdom?
I wouldn't introduce one by itself. If there's any way you can do two I would try that. My other chickens pretty much ignore the silkies... they're almost at the bottom of the pecking order. My speckled sussex (I introduced 2 when the flock was around 12 weeks) are at the very bottom... that's why I say introduce 2 instead of 1.

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