Adding pullets to pullets


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 11, 2012
I've got 4 six week old chickens now, 2 buff orpingtons and 2 black australorps. My coop is 3x4 interior and 9x4 in the run. I want to add two chickens. I'd like to add a barred rock chick or pullet and a silkie or frizzle bantam for fun. Obviously if I get chicks they'll have to be brooder boxed. But are my current chickens young enough to introduce other young girls without too much drama? And do I even have room for more chickens?
Your coop needs to get larger before adding any more chickens. At the recommended 4 sq ft minimum for interior space and 10 sq ft minimum for run space, your coop will fit 3 adult chickens. It isn't big enough for the 6 you already have. Sorry...
Thank you for your advice. I only have 4 at this point but if your numbers are correct I guess I cannot afford more.

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