Adding to flock advice


In the Brooder
Jun 21, 2015
Hello, I have two buffs age 12 weeks and later this week will be getting two more a he 8-10 weeks. Do you think the age difference would be an issue? Also our hen we have now is very vocal, and not so receptive of the two new buffs (were not sure what breed she is, looks like a buff mix) any suggestions for introduction?
Congrats on the new birds!

After you are sure your new chickens are healthy, pen them near to the others for a week or two, so they get to know one another's status, sounds, and appearance. You can then either let them out into a run or free-range together, as they may be less territorial, or slip the new birds in to the roost at night. Make sure there are multiple feeders and waterers, plenty of roosting space, and plenty of room for birds to escape if need be.

I hope this helps. Best of luck!

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