Adding two vaccinated pullets to flock


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
Hi there! I have read in other threads that it is good to quarantine new flock members for 30 days. I will be adding two vaccinated Barred Rocks that are 12 weeks old. They've been vaccinated for Marek's, Fowelpox, Newcastle, and Bronchitis. I have purchased them from a reputable breeder. My current flock has been vaccinated for Marek's as I purchased them from a hatchery as chicks, they're 17 wks old. Do I still need to quarantine for the full 30 days or can I add them sooner? Thank you!
In my experience, it's always better to quarantine for a full 30 days, if possible, however, when you introduce your chicks is entirely up to you. Since they are vaccinated and (I'm assuming) not showing any signs of illness, you probably will have no problems introducing diseases to each group. The choice is entirely yours. When you do decide it is time to integrate the groups together, be sure to read up on here about the best ways to do that. It sounds like you have researched, so you are probably familiar with it, but it's always best to let the hens see each other through a fenced area first, separate any bullies, etc. Good luck to you!
Thank you Polka Dot for replying. The new pullets seem very healthy and bright eyed. I will give them another week before adding them to the flock. I've had them placed where they can see each other. We'll be adding a large run area in the next week and am thinking that when it's completed to add the new girls as the space will be new to everyone and will hopefully help them all to bond due to the change. I've been reading through many of the threads here and I'll keep reading.
Thanks again!!

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