Adios Raccoon!


12 Years
Feb 14, 2011
Southern Colorado
Well the story starts last spring when I ordered 8 ducks and two geese from mcmurray hatchery.
Well this past fall my ducks started getting eaten by something. We thought it was a coyote or an owl or the neighbors dog. All of my ducks were eaten, one of my geese was eaten and two of my chickens for a total tally. It wasn't until the other night when i had my chickens locked up in the coop and one got taken that we realized it couldn't be a coyote or the other animals. There were feathers stuck in a railroad tie up to the top showing that it had been dragged up. It went in the chicken door inside of the chicken run. Poor Little Mama. Well we bought a live trap and at 2 AM yesterday I heard the dogs barking and I thought I heard my chickens screaming. I ran outside and looked in the coop, all seemed ok. So I figured I better check the trap. HA! A raccoon was in there. I had never seen a live raccoon before but we live in the country by a river and lots of irrigation ditches so i suppose not to much of a suprise. Well I went back inside and got my husband. He shot the FAT raccoon and we plan to make a pelt of it. I plan on keeping the trap set for awhile to make sure that there aren't any others. I will post a pic of the raccoon in the trap when I get my husbands camera.
There is never just one
I got rid of my raccoon's buy using those solar blinking red lights that come on at dusk. Once I started using
the lights I never had another raccoon attack.

I bought several and placed them all over the chicken yard and outside the coop.

Did the trick.

Once I saw a raccoon in yard and he/she totally avoided the chicken area.
Thought coons are color blind.

they are, a lot of times when someone is using lights and such hunters and trappers are steady dispatching coons this time of the year anecdotal evidence is good enough for most folks LOLOLOL coon merely respond to biological triggers they have been exposed to no more no less
I got rid of my raccoon's buy using those solar blinking red lights that come on at dusk. Once I started using
the lights I never had another raccoon attack.

I bought several and placed them all over the chicken yard and outside the coop.

Did the trick.

Once I saw a raccoon in yard and he/she totally avoided the chicken area.

I lost two hens to a raccoon attack. How many lights did you use total and what brand did you go with? I saw a couple options on amazon. I want to make sure my new flock will not be bothered by these guys.

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