Adjusting Meyer Order - Suggestions Appreciated!


Mar 9, 2022
Medina OH
After lots of discussion, I'm going to adjust our hatchery order so that we have a mixed flock instead of all Buff Orps.
  • We're in NE Ohio, so they must be cold/heat hardy;
  • I can handle a couple of broody birds, but no more than that (which is why Black Australorps aren't on the list);
  • Main purpose of this flock is egg production
Here's what I'm thinking - any experience with any of these breeds not playing well with the others?

2 - Buff Orpingtons
2 - Golden Buff / Cinnamon Queen
2 - Rhode Island Reds
2 - Easter Eggers

This will be our first flock, all raised from chicks. Hatch date in August, so we can make adjustments as availability changes.
After lots of discussion, I'm going to adjust our hatchery order so that we have a mixed flock instead of all Buff Orps.
  • We're in NE Ohio, so they must be cold/heat hardy;
  • I can handle a couple of broody birds, but no more than that (which is why Black Australorps aren't on the list);
  • Main purpose of this flock is egg production
Here's what I'm thinking - any experience with any of these breeds not playing well with the others?

2 - Buff Orpingtons
2 - Golden Buff / Cinnamon Queen
2 - Rhode Island Reds
2 - Easter Eggers

This will be our first flock, all raised from chicks. Hatch date in August, so we can make adjustments as availability changes.
I personally would replace the Cinnamon Queens with Barred Rocks. They are wonderful birds with beautiful personalities and are not a high production breed that isn't going to live very long.
I have a Buff Orp, RIR's and EE's in our flock. They all get along fine. The BO is very docile and quiet, but not at the bottom of the pecking order. She is always the first into the coop and perches in the same spot each night. No one bothers her while they are jockeying for the other spots.
Welcome to BYC! :frow

Can't miss out on the Easter Eggers! (my first vote)

They've got feather color variety, egg color variety, and personality variety.. rarely broody in MY experience. But always FUN!

I will go ahead and second (vote) the Rock suggestion as being one of my all time favorite breeds.

RIR.. can be a bit nasty to more docile birds.. or they can fit in well. I'd probably choose them over Buff Orps.. which are over rated in MY experience.

My golden comet.. lays eggs like a monster.. full size (60+ grams) from the start, good personality.. longevity is YET to be determined.. I do however feed "flock raiser" which is higher in amino acids (and protein) to HOPEFULLY support her abilities.
2 - Buff Orpingtons
2 - Golden Buff / Cinnamon Queen
2 - Rhode Island Reds
2 - Easter Eggers

If this were my list, and I was looking for egg production, i would put a couple Mediterranean layers in there. Then you would get some white or cream color eggs in your basket.
They are dependable layers, they eat less than heavy breeds, they are active foragers with little reproductive problems.
Down side, they can be flighty.
As mentioned above, your production breed in my expierance are short lived and if they make it over 3 years you are lucky.
Rhode island are always to aggresive for me. I purposely avoid them. However New Hampshire Reds are calmer. (If you are set on a red breed)
My buffs were good layers but think they were only mediocre, taking long breaks. Great broody moms though.
Second on the barred rocks, mine are sweet tempered and good layers.
Happy Deciding!
I’ve had Buff Orpingtons and Easter Eggers and loved them both however my Orps did go broody quite a bit so if you’re not into that you might consider replacing them. I loved my Barred Rock that I had. I also loved my White Leghorn. She was a fantastic layer and she wasn’t flighty like I’ve heard they can be. The Barred Rock was a great layer too and very friendly. My Delaware was great too but she did eat quite a bit and was quite noisy if that matters at all. Great layer though.
RIR can be mean.
Blue eggs are always nice.
Friendly birds like Orps (most lines anyway) make chicken keeping more fun!

As you gain personal experience keeping chickens, you will learn what matters most to you. Often, it's not what we thought when getting started.

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