Adopted Hens that were left behind


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 1, 2011
Lower Eastern Shore
Hello Everyone,

I haven't been on in a long time but have now become a sucessful chicken keeper! Not that it is that hard but does take patience and time. I have a small issue...the people that were renting property that my hubby manages, moved out, left for dead their dog, rabbit, 5 hens and a roo. Well the dog is gone..broke free we think, after I called animal control (we have a no kill shelter). The rabbit found a home and I have since brought the 4 of the hens (all we could catch at the time) home. I have them seperate of my flock of course, and will remain that way for 30 days for precautionary reasons. The new girls are very friendly and trusting, tho my roo is making his "stink" known to them from a distance. Do I have to worry about the same problem with introducing them to my flock since there are 4 (soon to be 5) of them instead of a single bird that will get picked on ????
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Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!
Thank you for the welcome. I have missed the boards! My hubby (who swears I'm obsessed with farm animals..hehe) found a local lady with peafowl...well keets for sale. HIM not me, guess I'm rubbing off on him. I called and left a message, anxiously waiting the call back! Glad to be back!
Hey, and welcome back to the board! :frow

The precautions should still be the same, yes. Though there is safety in numbers, the new ones will probably still get pecked, although maybe not all equally as much - some will find a spot higher in the pecking order than others. Newly introduced birds do tend to stay together in their group though :lol:

Good luck!
And good on you for taking in the animals :thumbsup
from Australia. Glad you joined us!
Don't be afraid to ask anything, and enjoy the site and have fun!
The pecking order will be re established, but if you feel the chickens are getting to violent, separate them again. You can post this in other forum sections and ask for help.

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