Adopted two silkies


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2015
I have a hodgepodge of hens and was given two silkies. They have integrated well with the flock but seem more nervous and fragile. Will they need a heat lamp this winter?
Silkies are always kind of like that when in mixed bantam-standard flocks. They should be fine without a heat lamp; I generally don't recommend a heat lamp at any time, unless it's insanely cold out - like -20 or something. Cold doesn't usually bother them too much; it's rain and snow that's bad for them, since their feathers aren't even remotely waterproof. I would keep them inside the coop if it gets very stormy out, but they should otherwise be fine.
Ok, thanks much. This morning they were cuddled up with the bigger chickens so that makes me feel better.

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