Adopting a racing pigeon tomorrow!


5 Years
Apr 15, 2018
Central PA
One of my old friends whom I haven't heard from in years contacted me last evening. She said that they found a lost racing pigeon in their yard a while back, and have been caring for it ever since. They checked his leg bands (he has 3), and he's apparently from NY, but they don't want to send him back for fear of him being killed. They've grown very fond of the little guy, and wanted him to have a good home with other birds, so she contacted me to see if I'd take him in.

My female pigeon needs a friend, and I thought this was just meant to be! So I said yes! I go to pick him up tomorrow after I get off work. I'll have him in quarantine for a few weeks to be on the safe side, but I'm hoping afterwards that they can get along and maybe even become a mated pair. Either way, I'm sure my Percy will enjoy some company! I'm super happy about this opportunity :)
One of my old friends whom I haven't heard from in years contacted me last evening. She said that they found a lost racing pigeon in their yard a while back, and have been caring for it ever since. They checked his leg bands (he has 3), and he's apparently from NY, but they don't want to send him back for fear of him being killed. They've grown very fond of the little guy, and wanted him to have a good home with other birds, so she contacted me to see if I'd take him in.

My female pigeon needs a friend, and I thought this was just meant to be! So I said yes! I go to pick him up tomorrow after I get off work. I'll have him in quarantine for a few weeks to be on the safe side, but I'm hoping afterwards that they can get along and maybe even become a mated pair. Either way, I'm sure my Percy will enjoy some company! I'm super happy about this opportunity :)
Yay! That exciting! I'm glad things are working out.

about your friend thinking it may be killed, that is pretty far fetched. Though the fancier may or may not want the bird, they aren't going to just kill the bird. the fancier wouldn't kill something he has poured so much time and money into. The birds do make mistakes, and the breeders know that. They may never breed it, but they would probably loft fly it regularly. Most fancier would be thrilled to at least I know what came about from it... Maybe call them (if contact info is provided) and tell them that it's safe. And ask if you could keep it. I know I would feel 10 times better knowing that it was safe.
Circumstances can cause a bird to become lost. I have rehabilitated several lost homers. I have had owners tell me keep the bird, feed it up and release it, and I will be there tomorrow to pick the bird up. The last was from a fancier in Staten Island. When we met he offered me a $100 reward for rescuing his bird. Turns out that on that fly day something happened and 80 % of the birds never made it home. The bird that I rescued was of a nestmate pair that had been flown 5 times - in the first four races they finished first and second in their combine. The fifth race they never made it home. I did not take the reward, and he said, "I can only hope that someone like you finds and returns his nestmate."
You guys make a good point. If that were my bird that got lost, I'd feel better knowing it was alright at the very least. I'll have to check the bands myself once I bring him back home with me. My friend never mentioned finding any contact info, but I'll see what I can dig up.
yeah, I'm sure if you contacted them, and told them the scenario, and that you would love to keep the bird, most would say keep the bird. Shipping prices are outrageous, so unless it's a champion, I think they would be glad to let you keep him. :)
Did you get the lil fella:love

I did! We've named him Blue. He's a sassy thicc boy lol but he's warming up to me I think! Here he is:

I'm glad you got it, and glad pigeon fanciers here don't kill lost birds, but the practice is very common according to some of the pigeon hobbyist facebook groups I've lurked in where they openly talk about breaking loser birds' necks (and killing show birds with th wrong color/posture etc)
I'm glad you got it, and glad pigeon fanciers here don't kill lost birds, but the practice is very common according to some of the pigeon hobbyist facebook groups I've lurked in where they openly talk about breaking loser birds' necks (and killing show birds with th wrong color/posture etc)
I'm not saying you're wrong, but this practice is not as common as you make it sound. People do it, but not very often. why would someone kill a bird they have spent so much time and $ on? Not every bird they breed is going to be a winner,and they know this. If they killed every bird that didn't perform well, they would have killed more birds than they have. training tosses do most of the culling. No one in their right mind would ask for a bird to be shipped back to them so that they could kill it. And for show birds, they do NOT kill birds! 1 out of 100 birds will be a 'perfect', so they don't kill the other 99. Look on craigslist, sooo many culls of show birds for sale. I'm not saying there aren't people who do this, but not many at all. I'm sorry for this, :p, it just frustrates me when pigeon breeders get a bad rap.

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