
Hi Adrienne - welcome to the flock. When I hear that name I flash to the' Rocky' movies - sorry. I really enjoyed them especially the first one. Good luck with your future chicken plans. I have heard of Sicilian Buttercups but not the other breed.
Hello D. Diva,

No need to apologize for the "Rocky" thing. I used to answer to "YOOHHH!!!" I used him to teach people how to say my name. Rarely did people say my name right. Everybody would laugh; and that's good.

When I first got interested in chickens it was accidental. I got the BYC magazine because I was sort of shut-in. As I read the magazine I got more interested, then I got a subscription. Then I told my husband I wanted chickens. He laughed for weeks, months, and now its been 3 years. I am a bit disabled so he said that he'd end up the chicken farmer, doing all the work(he thinks I loony), me not being strong enough. So, I told him I wouldn't do it until I could do the work myself. I'm 60 yrs. old and 100% disabled vet, so I am limited. But because another unfortunate complication of wheat intolerance, I've lost 68 lbs. and can now get around better. I now have a flower garden again.
Next year we are planning to buy a house; that's when I start the planning. He just saw what I was doing; his response "Oh my gosh!"
I have to make sure I buy a house in a RA zoned location. No city! No subdivisions!

I decided to get the Sicilian Buttercup because his comb looks like a crown and the rooster's colors. The Red dorking because its red and its very easy, affectionate, also rare, and again its roosters colors, its a dual purpose bird.

Thanks for the welcome, its been warm.

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