Solved Advance notice would have been nice!

Please keep in mind this was NOT a new posting or new thread. It was under the articles appearing about "keeping chicken runs dry".....and also I was saddened to not being able to post photos of my covered run, but the word limitation is fine if you tell us BEFORE we write our comments. :) thanks!
Yes, my experience was the same as yours, pretty much to a T. And I agree, a little note stating 250 characters max or whatever the # is would be nice... or just not typing anymore characters when it hits the limit. Some way to know to separate into extras if needed. But to just waste time AND lose out on good info sharing... :smack Who me waste time?! :oops: :)
Thanks EggSighted4Life! Oh my gosh...what a handle! Mine is so boooorrring!!! I would love to use something else, but I guess it's too late now! The character limitations remind me of twitter - but! But it's not a deal-breaker for me. This site is so helpful to us newbies! Just would like to know BEFORE not after! :)
For those of you that might write long posts, comments, or articles you can copy your text then use a character counter like this:

Holy chicken feathers, Batman! I had no idea something like this existed! You can bet your money I'm going to use this site - and I mean a lot! THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS LINK!!!

See, I told you this site is eggcelent! :goodpost::wee:thumbsup :yesss:
As much as I LOVE this site, I really think it would be a lot better if you would tell those of us who want to post "comments" on certain subjects here, that we have a WORD LIMITATION before we spend 20 mins putting something together only to find out when we hit "post" that it is too long.

After that happened to me today, I just decided to forget the entire thing and move on, so the advice I was trying to offer based on my first-hand experience will not be passed on for someone else to learn from.

Just put a warning BEFORE we write - and not blind side us with it when it's too late.

Thank you.
Or a charachter countdown limit marker thing like I see on so many forms.
Thanks EggSighted4Life! Oh my gosh...what a handle! Mine is so boooorrring!!! I would love to use something else, but I guess it's too late now! The character limitations remind me of twitter - but! But it's not a deal-breaker for me. This site is so helpful to us newbies! Just would like to know BEFORE not after! :)
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