Adventurous Chicks


Feb 28, 2021
Dawnwing is one of my three chicks, the other two being Breezewing and Moonwing. Together, they're the Winglets. But anyway, Dawnwing is really adventurous. The other two aren't so bad- Moonwing is really shy- but, inspired by Dawnwing, they've been jumping out whenever I take the cover off. They always have plenty of food and water, and we keep their bedding as clean as we can, and they have a small roost, but I don't think that's enough. I let them onto the carpet today, but I don't think it's a good idea to let them wander freely throughout the Shop, and it's so big, it's hard to keep track of them all. And yet, that won't stop them from being adventurous. Before we put the cover on, Dawnwing's first ever escape almost hurt her. She was found huddled by the duck brooder. I'm not sure how long she was there; I just know she was cold and scared, and I was shocked and terrified. How do I keep them happy and entertained in the brooder (I know I can't stop them from trying to escape, but I want to be able to help with them getting bored)?
I am new at chick raising and have six 3-week old chicks. I have been bringing in different branches from outdoors so they can practice flying up, roosting and pecking at the bark (Maybe they are finding bugs in there?). When they seem bored with one branch, I swap it out for something new. I also gave them a small cardboard box with dirt in it for dust baths and bring in small bunches of dried leaves. They seem pretty happy with this as entertainment.
Thank you so much for those suggestions! I'm going to try those, and I'm pretty sure the chicks- even Disagreeable Dawnwing- will be very, very happy!

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