advice anyone?

Wow, I wish I did. My successful hatch rate with Pekins and a 12 egg incubator has been TERRIBLE. Granted, none of my broody hens has ever hatched even a single duckling, but on this subject, in spite of numerous efforts and more than a score of Pekins, I must plead ignorance.

At this point, i can't even offer a "don't do this..." piece of advice.
Wow, I wish I did. My successful hatch rate with Pekins and a 12 egg incubator has been TERRIBLE. Granted, none of my broody hens has ever hatched even a single duckling, but on this subject, in spite of numerous efforts and more than a score of Pekins, I must plead ignorance.

At this point, i can't even offer a "don't do this..." piece of advice.
Dang, okay 😅. Was hoping you'd have some more experience than me since you were actively breeding.
Dang, okay 😅. Was hoping you'd have some more experience than me since you were actively breeding.
First incubation, 0% success. Second incubation around 75% (if I recall correctly, I believe it was 9 births, one infertile, two quits). Boy, was I confident then! Third incubation, I had something contaminate one of the eggs, cost me a number of others, and had a high infertile rate, too. Last hatch, of 12 eggs set (most infertile, the male was still very young) had a few late quits and only two live births - one of whom passed overnight, leaving me with just a single duckling.

off the top of my head - whatever I'm doing, I hope others aren't. :(

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