Advice: Broody's chicks wandered outside and she's still on nest


5 Years
Mar 29, 2015
It's pretty cold today and my broody hen's two new chicks wandered out of the coop and into the run without her. She's still on the nest. I brought them in under a heat lamp but will she take them back? Ideally I would have liked to put them back under her but there's no guarantee they won't wander back out. Advice? TIA!
Is there any way to block off her nesting area? She should've imprinted on them and will take them back...the sooner the better. U can put chick starter and a waterer that they can't drown themselves in in with her and the babies once its blocked off
Is there any way to block off her nesting area? She should've imprinted on them and will take them back...the sooner the better. U can put chick starter and a waterer that they can't drown themselves in in with her and the babies once its blocked off
Excellent, I'll cut some cardboard to block off the nesting box and try to stick them back under her. I have chick starter and water, with rocks for safety, next to her already. Thank you!!

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