Advice from Cold Experts: Clean/Fresh Water


University of North Quackalina
10 Years
Aug 23, 2009
I don't know how you all (who live in cold areas) do it-keeping water fresh and not frozen. Temps have been in the teens. I have turned off my hose and fill up Chick-Fil-A sweet tea containers (sorry-I only eat the salads, cole slaw, and drink the sweet tea), out to the coops AGAIN, and AGAIN, and AGAIN.
Spring can't come soon enough!
Ahhh,This is ware a nice heated water bowl comes in very handy.
I can't wait for spring either.
I have gotten the ones for aquarium that work fine indoors. What about the outdoor containers?
Just looked up that heater- I bought the same one this past weekend. However, the insert said it was for indoor use only. Think its OK outside?
Mine only get water inside the coop, I still use a hose to water my horses and other large critters so I just fill up the chicken waterer at the same time. I do cheat and use fire hose insead of the normal garden hose, 300 ft of it fits in a five gal bucket and it all folds flat. As far as my water spicket I do have a cold weather one on my house. So that just means that its ball valve is about 8 inches back inside the wall and when I turn it off the water all drains out and does not freeze up so it wont bust and leak.
I've got 2 heated dog bowls like the one in the link below. I found mine at walmart for the same price. They hold 5 or 6 quarts and I fill them up every night from a 5 gallon bucket I haul from the house. I have yet to see ice in them other than a little around the top edge when it got down to 5 degrees. I have a pond in my mandarin pen which is a much bigger task. I keep a stock tank heater in the pond to keep it unfrozen and once a week I drag a hose out of my house, drain the pond, hose it down and refill all 275 gallons of it.
Great advice. We just started using a heating pad (in our kitchen) to warm our hands or feet and our gloves. Burrr.

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