Advice: Get a Rooster!

Have you had an encounter with a hawk and your chickens?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 53 52.5%
  • No.

    Votes: 40 39.6%
  • Possibly.

    Votes: 8 7.9%

  • Total voters
I have 8 Buff Orpington hens, I raised from day 2, they have just started laying and I have been considering getting a roo in the spring. He would also be a BO. My question is, if I get him as a chick, and hand raise him like I did the girls (lots of talking, petting, picking up and carrying around) Will he have a sweet temperament like my 8 girls? I want a roo for the protection of my flock, and possibly more chicks in the future, but I prize my time in the garden with my girls sitting on me and getting treats now and then, I would hate for that to end.
you bet that for sure. I find they make good pets also. I loved mine and a couple that did not agree to all that. Ha, They will and do protect there girls to the end.
I have 8 Buff Orpington hens, I raised from day 2, they have just started laying and I have been considering getting a roo in the spring. He would also be a BO. My question is, if I get him as a chick, and hand raise him like I did the girls (lots of talking, petting, picking up and carrying around) Will he have a sweet temperament like my 8 girls? I want a roo for the protection of my flock, and possibly more chicks in the future, but I prize my time in the garden with my girls sitting on me and getting treats now and then, I would hate for that to end. 

There are no guarantees obviously, but hand raising a rooster like that should firmly plant the idea in his that you are neither predator nor rooster.

So this will give you the best chance of getting a good rooster.

You can also improve your chances by getting multiple cockerels, raising them all the same way and then selecting the best behaved one to keep.
Thank you, it never occurred to me to get a few and hand pick they guy that fit the girls and me. Good advice
Apparently I have good roosters. Both are large lt and dark Brahmas. They come check me out when I pick up one of my 17 girls. They get treats out of my hand; and they step aside when I am walking around. They know I'm top "chicken". I treat them like I do my rottweilers. They come when I call. I live in the country; with a resident hawk and great horned owl nearby. Coyotes are my biggest problem. I have motion lights and night guard repellers. They work great. My roosters Clyde and Runt; I have had since birth. I guess it is the way you handle them. I am not the huggy momma. But I set with them. Pet them all when they roost. And talk to them. LOTS of eggs. Getting 18 more chicks in the spring!
I have 7 hens and a beautiful light sussex rooster, he is a gentle soul and I can almost pat him he allows me to get that close. He seems friendly and has never been aggressive towards me or Mark. He does protect the hens if there is a hawk or feral cat hanging around. He doesn't bother my dog or my cat however, he seems to know the difference.
I have couple big roosters and they seem do very good job by watching all of their lady when they're free range. Last year, we went out of town a day and came back late so I didn't check my aviary. Next morning, we found one of our mandarin drake that stuck in the chicken wire wrap around the aviary.. only his bone left and we found out that we have a hawk nest on top of the pine tree in the yard so what happen was one of our mandarin drake that stand on top of the lodge next to the chicken wire and the hawk catch him.. poor little guy didn't have a chance. After that we moved all the lodge far enough to make sure it will not happen again and cover the top of the aviary with the tap. Finally, the hawk family moved but we still very be careful because they are still in the area and we saw them sometime. We also have problem with raccoon (kill my 5 pairs of my mandarin duck + 1 pair and 1 female silver wood duck in one night, they were sitting on their eggs) and possum (got a few of my quails, eat off their head through the fence) so now we are very awareness and keep the trap going everyday.
Our first year keeping chickens, we ignorantly gave away a gorgeous young rooster. Next time around, we kept them -- 2 little silkies (bought cuz they make good moms!) Ever since, we never worry when they free-range. Eagles & hawks closer than usual? Whole flock totally hidden and silent! Unbelievable! And everyone's always in bed before sunset! The "alpha male" has never threatened humans. His subordinate does, but since we babied them growing up, he's easily convinced to back down. Only problem is with visiting care-takers; they can't win without showing a stick.

Bringing baby roos inside in bad weather.

They get along at night.
I have 8 Buff Orpington hens, I raised from day 2, they have just started laying and I have been considering getting a roo in the spring. He would also be a BO. My question is, if I get him as a chick, and hand raise him like I did the girls (lots of talking, petting, picking up and carrying around) Will he have a sweet temperament like my 8 girls? I want a roo for the protection of my flock, and possibly more chicks in the future, but I prize my time in the garden with my girls sitting on me and getting treats now and then, I would hate for that to end. 

My 2 BO ended up being cockerals. I raised them from day old chicks. Got rid of them at 17 weeks and have never been happier! My girls are friendlier now. The head cock would always stand between me and the girls and would "herd" them away from me. They were skittish acting. He attacked my sister out of the blue one day and that was it....goodbye roosters.

Now the girls follow me everywhere, sit on my lap and I am able to pick them up to check them over. I think roosters are gorgeous and I love hearing them crow, but I like that the girls are more like pets now.

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