Advice needed for Rescued Hen

Hi Elaine - keep up the good work. Just wanted to say the vet also prescribed Panacur for my rescue hens - it got rid of the roundworms fine but didn't touch the tapeworms so I had to give another wormer - I would have preferred to use just one wormer - especially as my hens are laying so more eggs have to be thrown away.
Hi Elaine - keep up the good work. Just wanted to say the vet also prescribed Panacur for my rescue hens - it got rid of the roundworms fine but didn't touch the tapeworms so I had to give another wormer - I would have preferred to use just one wormer - especially as my hens are laying so more eggs have to be thrown away.
That's interesting I've heard from a couple of sources that Panacur is effective for all worms.Also Panacur doesn't have a withdrawal period. It is similar to that given to children for threadworms.
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I am absolutely no expert - I can only say what happened to my hens and they defo had tapes after Panacur The vet advised not to use the eggs after Panacur. Dawg53 advised me re what to give for the tapeworms - his threads are really good.
@peastix I knew there was another one of my friends from NZ !!! Just couldnt remember who.

BTW, Dawg is very good. His word is gold to me.....
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Hello Ballerina Bird, thank you for your very kind words, they are greatly appreciated. I think Dottie is going to become world famous on BYC!!, she has every right to mind.
I will keep updating on her progress, yesterday was just such a fantastic day for her, she has the look about herself now that is saying 'oh, I'm a chicken, I must do chicken things', we have clearly got her on the right track now

Enjoy your day
Kind Regards
Hello Charlene, thank you so much, I will pass your endearing compliment on to hubby, he was the one that initially spotted Dottie and thinking 'oh something not right there, we need to stop and investigate', both huge animal lovers in this house. We do have a standing joke in the house now that hubby is surrounded by females, fourteen of us now being me, two young female cats and eleven hens, but he completely adores his harem of ladies.

I will keep everyone up to date on Dotties progress, I am strongly of the opinion now that yesterday she got herself on a road away from that death scenario that was going on when we found her. As you say we cannot save them all and it has been a difficult life learning that no we can't, but the ones that we all do save makes at least a contribution of doing the right, good and caring thing for them, we have to fight back against the cruelties of what humans are capable of, sadly those cruelties will never stop, I can't see it happening in my life time, maybe one day aye? Meantime though humans with compassion must do all they can to undo the wrongs that are perpetrated by empathy challenged people, we must not ever give up, we are all they have. There is one thing greater than passion, and that is compassion, never lose it.

Kind Regards
Hello Rb Chickens, thank you for your welcome and yes I can see there will be heaps of advice available here, I will need to be watchful of the time I consume visiting this site, I can see hours disappearing in a flash.

Please enjoy your day Rb, and thank you again.

Kind Regards
Hello lizro, thank you for your words of support and advice, I will be investigating the full worming options with our vet, I haven't seen any worms in her droppings so far but we must be safe rather than sorry, and Dottie is doing so brilliantly well now, she has walked over a thousand miles in a week with regards her demure and health strength, her personality is really beginning to come through now.

Our thanks to you again.
Kind Regards
Hi Penny, oh dear there's trouble being in a shop dawdling around getting immersed with all sorts of things, bit like hubby in Mitre 10 Mega, he counts it as pay back for me in clothes and shoe shops, also places like Stevens, I have a crockery addiction, hahaha.

Hope Auckland is enjoying better weather than we are here, it is teaming down, thunder and lightening and high wind as well.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Have a great day.
Kind Regards

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