Advice Needed from Boer Goat Owners Please!


11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Rockwell, NC
Hi y'all! I need some advice. Sunday is me and my hubby's first anniversary, and he's getting me a goat (LOL, I know, but it's what I wanted!) We had two pygmy wethers, both 6 months old, and one got killed two weeks ago after a stray dog got into their fence. Yoda my remaining goat has been so lonely, so much so I've been letting him stay in the house with us in my dog's crate. (He was also attacked by the dog but survived so he's been getting babied!) Anyway, DH gave me the go-ahead to start searching CL for another goat. I've found two that I am intersted in, one is another pygmy doe, and the other is a three month old boer doe who is THE most adorable thing I've seen in my life! DH balked at the thought of getting a large breed goat. I'm aware of how big a boer gets, but just wondering from you experienced keepers the following:

Is the size really THAT big of a deal/difference? I mean we have a rottweiler, we like big critters. We don't have a huge pasture (1/3 acre, plus), but then again we only will have the two goats. Also, will my pygmy be OK with having a big old girl around? What are boer's like as pets? What's the noise level difference between pygmys and boers? My pygmy is NOISY! What do y'all think I should do? The boer is also WAY closer to us. But having trouble convincing DH having a big goat will be OK.
I have % Boer and % kiko goats. The boer are easy to handle and are not escape artists. Mine are pretty quiet except when I first get them and they are adjusting to new surroundings or when they know it is time to go out and they aren’t out yet. I like them. They are high maintenance. They are susceptible to parasites and do not grow as well on straight browse. Since this would be a pet and you only have two that might not be an issue. You will have to keep an eye on her and make sure she stays healthy. Most goats are susceptible to parasites so this true with any goat. She will also need some supplemental grain. I don’t give mine a lot, a few handfuls a day unless they are pregnant or lactating. With 1/3 acre you will need to supply some hay and grain.

They are pretty and cute. They are not as active as a pigmy. I have ones as small as about 80 lbs and some as big as about 150 lbs.

You will need to get Yoda wethered if he isn’t already. Pets really should be anyway, an intact buck is an unpleasant critter to be around. If he isn’t wethered you couldn’t get him female companion because you would need to keep them separated.


momma with babies
Thank you so much, all useful information! And your goats are beautiful, too. Yoda is wethered already, I sure don't want a billy goat around lol! Well I'm still waiting on DH to make the final call...lil men.
There two are real sweet. They are a lot bigger now and I am really glad I kept the girl. I do like my boers, they are a lot friendlier than the kikos. Probebly because I have to handle them a lot more. The kikos make me more money but I enjoy the boers more.
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I thought I'd update with pics of our little you can see we decided to get the little boer girl! We picked her up a few hours ago, she's so cute! We named her Lucy since she's a redhead, thanks to the suggestion by chicmom on another thread!



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