Advice on eggs not hatching


May 7, 2023
Hello all,
On May 19th i candled my eggs for the last time and all 11 was noticably moving. Monday the 20th was day 21 and within 24hrs 6 had hatched the others 5 have not.
Umfortunitly I had forgot to take may egg tray out and when there was 2 in there and i seen that they had started to hatch i had to open the incubator and remove it. I noticed one egg has a small section missing in the side but still nothing. How much longer should i wait before i give up?
FYI my first time trying this i started with 11 and ended with 7 chicks so not sure if im doing something wrong or not.
Watch this video.
I doubt you are doing anything wrong.


I hope this helps 🤞

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