Advice on keeping a single gosling happy...


Jun 17, 2015
Builth Wells, Powys
Hi there,

So I have just incubated 9 eggs in the hope to add the newbies to my current flock of two 1 year old Geese and two (roughly) 2/3 month old Goslings....sadly only 1 of the eggs was fertile and went the distance, and so we now have little Olivia who was born at 3am this morning.

She's all set up with a heat lamp, food and water etc and I intend to keep her inside until 3 weeks or so, before properly introducing her to the others outside. But it breaks my heart that she's on her own and I was wondering if there are any tips or advice anyone has to make her feel as comfortable as possible whilst she's living inside on her own? I will give her as much attention as possible while I'm home, but obviously will have to go to work at some point, so tips on how to keep her settled during this time would be grateful.

I have a single goose, raised from Day 1 inside my house. He's an indoor house goose, but I have found toys that keep his mind sharp and keep him happily occupied when I'm at work...

And we found that he also enjoys watching videos, so he has his very own personal TV and he'll sit happily and watch and listen! He loves nature animal videos but his real favorites are cartoons! Currently his favorite movies are Rio and Finding Nemo. He'll actually get upset when they're over and will call us over to put it on again! LOL
I have rescue goose. Found her about amonth ago. She's huge now! Still feathering in. She spends most of her time close to me. Poops all the time I need a diaper. Her name is Henry (long story) lots of personality. We also have 5 new chickens (arucanas)1 week old. All in my living room!
Thanks for your replies. I can't believe you have them all living in your house! My 1st gosling had to be kept in until she was big enough to go outside for the 1st few weeks/months and it was lovely to have her there and she did love to watch the telly with me...but pooped everywhere, all the time and the diaper idea was too much for me.
She lives happily outside with the others now, but always has to come for attention when we are out there too.

Little Olivia seems ok for now. Cuddling her as often as I can and got her a teddy that comes everywhere she goes, so so long as I leave her in her cage with that when she sleeping, she seems to get less stressed when I leave. If I'd thought about it, I should have tried to get her to imprint on the teddy, not me and maybe she'd be happier, but too late now sadly.

Thanks for your messages, you're Geese (and chickens) sound fab!
Thanks for your replies. I can't believe you have them all living in your house! My 1st gosling had to be kept in until she was big enough to go outside for the 1st few weeks/months and it was lovely to have her there and she did love to watch the telly with me...but pooped everywhere, all the time and the diaper idea was too much for me.
She lives happily outside with the others now, but always has to come for attention when we are out there too.

Little Olivia seems ok for now. Cuddling her as often as I can and got her a teddy that comes everywhere she goes, so so long as I leave her in her cage with that when she sleeping, she seems to get less stressed when I leave. If I'd thought about it, I should have tried to get her to imprint on the teddy, not me and maybe she'd be happier, but too late now sadly.

Thanks for your messages, you're Geese (and chickens) sound fab!
You maybe able to find a child safe mirror you can hang in her brooder that way she'll see she is a goose and have a friend too. Be sure to take her out as often as weather permits so the others can be around her [of course you stay] and she gets to meet everyone too. I'm sure they all will be madly in love once she is old enough to be with everyone, I waited till mine were 3 weeks old before I gave them to my adults too.
the mirror is a great idea thank you!

And yes, I've been taking her out to have a wonder around the grass and stay with her all the time when shes outside. My one Goose keeps trying to bite her and really doesnt seem to like her, so I will carry on taking her out every day until about 3 weeks, then maybe start slowly introducing her. Very scared they're going to hurt her, but fingers crossed they'll eventually fall in love her as much as I have ;-)
the mirror is a great idea thank you!

And yes, I've been taking her out to have a wonder around the grass and stay with her all the time when shes outside. My one Goose keeps trying to bite her and really doesnt seem to like her, so I will carry on taking her out every day until about 3 weeks, then maybe start slowly introducing her. Very scared they're going to hurt her, but fingers crossed they'll eventually fall in love her as much as I have ;-)
I only had 2 geese when my goslings came here to live at 2 days old, my goose was still broody after losing her only gosling to make it to hatch so she would lay inside her house as I walked by with the babies and of course the gander would stay by her so actually it wasn't till second week that Missy finally came out to see what those tiny things were, I'd just sit with them all and Missy would finally get close enough to really get a good look by 3rd week we looked like a parade going by Me in front the 2 goslings and then my 2 adults following behind. so it took at least 3 weeks for the adults to decided hey I want these. Of course the gander went right along with his mate. lol It takes time but hopefully your geese will accept them How old are your adults ? how many?
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Hello jus Givin a Henry update.2 days ago she flew away w a small group of other geese. But came back today! I was very happy that she flew away but very sad. I'm very happy now! She's been resting inside all day n very chatty lots of stories to tell. You can see my happy chickens n marmite the piggy on my Beaucock post glad everyone sounds happy I am lol

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