Advice on old hen health issues-long explanation and a few questions


6 Years
Sep 5, 2017
Our last hen is a Buff Orp. This spring she will be 9.
Overall been in good health. Now she has a bad hip which keeps her from getting around well
Her legs are a bit short and geometry is off some. Breeding i guess. I give her baths but now include a nice soak of those thighs. It helps her old bones.
Always seemed to have nose issues, as if her nose holes were a bit too small.
Corid in the fall.
In the past we have used Valbazen for worming. I have not wormed her with that this year.

Poops are fine. Regular intervals. Right color, not runny. Clean fluffy butt and vent is pink and clean. Crop is emptying. No bad or yeasty smell to breath.
Has access to grit and calcium. I push the fresh water on her. We have spring water at our home.
We do not have access to a vet which handles "exotics."
Recent issues i noticed.
Runs out of steam, less active, quiet. Head down. Out of breath.
So i started really working on her. This is what i have done.

Confirmed leg mites. Last month I did 3 rounds of Ivermectin following advice from this site. First dose i was new at it and think i got more in her feathers than on her but did notice her feet pink up some. Repeated 2 more at 2 week intervals while washing her feet. They look much better, more pink and scales are starting to grow in new. Less swelling on her right leg. She seemed to perk up after that.
Sprayed the coop, yard and around it with T.C Pyrethrin. Mixture recommended on this site.
Long molt this winter. Added vitamins meant for molting and increased proteins some.

This winter has been rainy and i do keep her in as it can be wet and moldy and just gross and i dont want her sitting in a big empty coop yard alone. It is covered and i do keep a fan for circulation but still...... We have a playpen inside we put her in and i do hold her. She loves to snuggle.
When its nice shes out and protected. I still do our old habit we had with the flock and walk her around the house every evening and up a hill. Slowly as her hip is bad.

OK..i fed her too many treats and cracked corn with not enough walking due to the rain. Shes rather plump.
I have started a diet. More greens and layer feed.
Question- is this a good diet for a chicken to lose weight? Do i need to add more supplements taking into account her age?

Past few weeks she has been very alert, active, talkative. Doing really good! I am happy BUT

She is out of breath a lot. Breathing hard at times, sometimes open her mouth for a gasp or 2. I pick her up and she opens her mouth slightly to breath. I clean her nose and used a bit of saline spray. Inside i keep a fan on her to assure she is not overheating
So..lose weight, exercise more. More walks. I let her walk until she winds herself than rest.

Lung infection maybe? I have started her on 1ML (100mg) of Baytril 10% daily. Her weight is between 5 and 6 pounds. I split the dose. Half in morning, half in evening
My question are: I used ivermectin. Does this not take care of intestinal worms as well? Gapeworms?

Is the Baytril dose enough if its a lung issue and should i give it all at once or is splitting it ok?
Can anyone think of any other reason she would be short of breath?

I just checked on her. She is not gasping, breathing is a bit up but she is not active. Worse when she is active.
We are going out of town this weekend. We are taking her and i want to assure she is in the best health she can be in and the recommended care is continued while out of town.

I know its a long post. Shes our last hen. Our daughters 4H chickens i helped raise. Now our daughter is married last April and is moved.
To think from the time she was a chick until now-if she was a child-she would be in 4th grade!
I am not liking this empty nest very much.
Any advice would be appreciated.
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I have started her on 1ML (100mg) of Baytril 10% daily. Her weight is between 5 and 6 pounds. I split the dose. Half in morning, half in evening
My question are: I used ivermectin. Does this not take care of intestinal worms as well? Gapeworms?

Lung infection maybe? I have started her on 1ML (100mg) of Baytril 10% daily. Her weight is between 5 and 6 pounds. I split the dose. Half in morning, half in evening
My question are: I used ivermectin. Does this not take care of intestinal worms as well? Gapeworms?

Is the Baytril dose enough if its a lung issue and should i give it all at once or is splitting it ok?
Can anyone think of any other reason she would be short of breath?
Sounds like she's holding her own.

Ivermectin is effective when treating mites on the body and for SLM. It's not as effective for treating worms like it used to be.

Gapeworm is not that common. The symptoms you describe sounds more like an old hen that may have some ascites (symptom of fluid in the abdomen). This can be due to organ dysfunction and/or reproductive disorders. You don't mention whether she's laying eggs.
Something going on with the heart/liver or reproductive problems can cause some shortness of breath. She opens her mouth to breath when you pick her up, support her abdomen when you do this and don't hold her up for long, set her in your lap or where she can get her legs under her.

Doubtful she will lose a lot of weight. If she's not actively laying eggs, then I'd feed her an all flock feed or chick starter.

Keeping her active is a great idea. It sounds like she's chickening right along for a little old lady. 9 years old, you've been doing things right! Enjoy her and love her.

Baytril is a very good antibiotic, it will treat respiratory infection as well as other infections. Likely the medication is not necessary. It sounds like she's just getting clogged up nostrils from food getting stuck into them which can happen. It's possible the medication may make her feel better for a period of time if she's battling some type of infection.
Re-check your Baytril Dose.
To get her to lose weight feed her lots of sprouted barley , it may cause her poop to get slightly runny, but is very good for losing weight! Killing leg mites you don’t need chemicals , just spray her legs with Ballistol oil, don’t use other stuff, that is bad for her health! Her gasping may be due to heart issues, especially if she needs to lose weight, hawthorn could help her there, just try to give her a capsule in the morning and evening , good luck, I had a chicken which made it to 11,5 and my oldest chicken right now will turn 11 in August, and if she is broody, let her be, my fat Orpingtons always lost weight while beeing broody
Sounds like she's holding her own.

Ivermectin is effective when treating mites on the body and for SLM. It's not as effective for treating worms like it used to be.

Gapeworm is not that common. The symptoms you describe sounds more like an old hen that may have some ascites (symptom of fluid in the abdomen). This can be due to organ dysfunction and/or reproductive disorders. You don't mention whether she's laying eggs.
Something going on with the heart/liver or reproductive problems can cause some shortness of breath. She opens her mouth to breath when you pick her up, support her abdomen when you do this and don't hold her up for long, set her in your lap or where she can get her legs under her.

Doubtful she will lose a lot of weight. If she's not actively laying eggs, then I'd feed her an all flock feed or chick starter.

Keeping her active is a great idea. It sounds like she's chickening right along for a little old lady. 9 years old, you've been doing things right! Enjoy her and love her.

Baytril is a very good antibiotic, it will treat respiratory infection as well as other infections. Likely the medication is not necessary. It sounds like she's just getting clogged up nostrils from food getting stuck into them which can happen. It's possible the medication may make her feel better for a period of time if she's battling some type of infection.
Re-check your Baytril Dose.
She laid one egg last year. With her being in a lot, increased diet and light i wondered if she was going to lay. She was going for more calcium recently. In the past she would pant some prior to laying. I checked, and i felt no egg. She could have fatty liver, as she is over weight and being the Boss Hen in the flock tended to hog up the treats. She is old and you know you dont really know something is desperately wrong until its almost too late. So at her age you shotgun it. I hit her with a dose of Valbazen last night just to make sure. When i pick her up i tend to support her with a hand under her and along the breast bone, rather than hugging her. This morning she seems a bit getter and, usual, is eating away and drinking. I will recheck the dose. She is a sweet old bird! Today she heads to the coast with us on an adventure. Thank you!!
To get her to lose weight feed her lots of sprouted barley , it may cause her poop to get slightly runny, but is very good for losing weight! Killing leg mites you don’t need chemicals , just spray her legs with Ballistol oil, don’t use other stuff, that is bad for her health! Her gasping may be due to heart issues, especially if she needs to lose weight, hawthorn could help her there, just try to give her a capsule in the morning and evening , good luck, I had a chicken which made it to 11,5 and my oldest chicken right now will turn 11 in August, and if she is broody, let her be, my fat Orpingtons always lost weight while beeing broody
We do have barley in storage we grind. I will give that a try. She needs to lose some before the heat of summer comes. 11! WOW. I will for sure check into what you suggested. You know, she has never went broody. In the past popped an egg out and done. Now our Bantams? Turned into something from a horror movie while broody. Thank you!
A balanced chicken feed would be much better than feeding barley. Barley is one of a number of grains used in chickens feed, but usually there are a mix, plus extra nutrients added. If you sprout some, still give her regular feed. I would stick to a chicken feed, no scratch or extras, for best nutrition. Some bits of cooked egg for an occasional treat is usually okay.
A balanced chicken feed would be much better than feeding barley. Barley is one of a number of grains used in chickens feed, but usually there are a mix, plus extra nutrients added. If you sprout some, still give her regular feed. I would stick to a chicken feed, no scratch or extras, for best nutrition. Some bits of cooked egg for an occasional treat is usually okay.
Ok, we do give her a bit of egg too. Thanks!
An experienced Orpington breeder ( who was also a judge) told me about feeding Orpington sprouted barley, of course they also need proteins and extra calcium, what I found out is that fat Orpingtons don’t lay eggs, when they slim down, they start laying again 🤪 my Orpington always got broody, so that is when they lost weight, I usually discourage my chickens from getting broody, but I always let the Orpingtons sit to lose weight 😅
Thank you! We made the trip to the coast and back just fine. She actually traveled really well. Older pets seem to take things in stride fine.
I have been doing some reading here and read that there is no need to feed a old non laying hen a Layer feed.
It was mentioned to go to a Starter type feed as it has higher protein.

Is there any advice on this, or which brand/type to use?
Thank you! We made the trip to the coast and back just fine. She actually traveled really well. Older pets seem to take things in stride fine.
I have been doing some reading here and read that there is no need to feed a old non laying hen a Layer feed.
It was mentioned to go to a Starter type feed as it has higher protein.

Is there any advice on this, or which brand/type to use?
Glad to hear she made the trip o.k., she went on Vacation!

You should be able to find Chick Starter or an All Flock feed at stores like TSC or similar.
I've used Purina in the past and those worked fine.
A lot depends on where you shop/what's available to you.
With only 1 Hen, then you'll want to buy a small(ish) bag that is fresh and has a good mill date, so you may find that you need to use something like Manna Pro products, etc.

Really the main thing is a fresh mill date. As feed gets older, the vitamins/minerals do too.
Doubtful she will lose a lot of weight. If she's not actively laying eggs, then I'd feed her an all flock feed or chick starter.

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