Advice on prevention


12 Years
Aug 17, 2007
My son is taking pullets to the local fair. This is our first time showing poultry. Just wondering if it's a good idea to give the birds some type of vaccine or med before they go to fair. These birds will come back home after fair so I was just wondering about this and if so what should I give them. Please drop a post with your thoughts.
I've heard of some people that show using vaccines and some not. I don't show, so can't really help you with that. I do know that often people quarantine show birds after they come back. You might want to think about that, too.

My impression is that how careful people are has a lot to do with whether they have decades of their life invested in working with their blood lines, along with a significant financial investment. Some people are just a lot more careful, also. I hope you can get some recommendations from others that have more experience.

And good luck!
I just don't always trust other people are clean with their flocks and I don't want to bring that home. Just thought someone may have some advice from experience.

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