Advice please


6 Years
Mar 29, 2014
Hello all! I’m a new duck owner. I have had chickens for 6 years and after 3 days with ducks I’m realizing how different they are. The ducks are 4 month old Pekin’s. I think they are both females. I currently hv them in a large dog kennel/ pen. We have a pond that is about 1/4-1/2 an acre. I’m worried if I ever let them out to free range and they get in the pond I won’t be able to get them back in the pen. I have tried giving them treats (peas, meal worms) but I think they are still just super scared of me. The dog kennel will not be their permanent home we are building an additional huge coop and run for guineas and ducks.
I’d appreciate any feedback. I have really enjoyed reading through all of your helpful posts. Thanks in advance!
I’ve read of many on here that let their ducks out on their pond and that was it they couldn’t get them back home to put them up secure at night. At 4 months I don’t think I’d let them out on the pond anyway. While you have them in the kennel just feed them there an no where else. That way they always know where their food an water is. Do you have this dog kennel wrapped top an sides with hardware cloth? They are very susceptible to predators raccoons will stick their arms through the fence grab a duck and try real hard to pull it through the fence which is awful. Mink & weasel can climb right through chain link, owls and hawks will fly right in.. this is just a few of the predators that will go to extremes to have duck dinner. Then if you let them out you’ll be dealing with coyote fox stray dogs and possible Bob cat etc. Just a few things to think about now that you have you new your ducks.
Thank you for your response! Yes, the kennel is secure with hardware cloth and a roof. It’s my pen I keep new chickens in before I allow them in the flock. I just feel bad that they don’t have a lot of room to run around in (compared to the chickens). But they do lay down every now and then and my chickens never do that. I’ll definitely only feed them there and plan on leaving them locked up longer. Coyotes are definitely an occasional predator here.

I’ve read of many on here that let their ducks out on their pond and that was it they couldn’t get them back home to put them up secure at night. At 4 months I don’t think I’d let them out on the pond anyway. While you have them in the kennel just feed them there an no where else. That way they always know where their food an water is. Do you have this dog kennel wrapped top an sides with hardware cloth? They are very susceptible to predators raccoons will stick their arms through the fence grab a duck and try real hard to pull it through the fence which is awful. Mink & weasel can climb right through chain link, owls and hawks will fly right in.. this is just a few of the predators that will go to extremes to have duck dinner. Then if you let them out you’ll be dealing with coyote fox stray dogs and possible Bob cat etc. Just a few things to think about now that you have you new your ducks.
Since you just got your ducks how are their legs? Do they walk fine? Asking because Pekins are such fast growers and can develop a niacin deficiency if fed chick feed. So it’s always best to supplement with some form of niacin Nutritional yeast , Brewers yeast, b complex
Since you just got your ducks how are their legs? Do they walk fine? Asking because Pekins are such fast growers and can develop a niacin deficiency if fed chick feed. So it’s always best to supplement with some form of niacin Nutritional yeast , Brewers yeast, b complex
So far they look ok- the previous owner gave me some durvet vitamins and electrolytes powder to add to their food. I’m giving them all flock food and sprinkling this on there but if I need to do something else I will..
Thank you so much for all your help! When I run out of this powder should I add all those things you mentioned or just one?
All flock is great food for them. Just keep an eye on them. And when you get the first egg start
Putting out oyster shell in a bowl close to where you feed them. They’ll use that as needed.
One more question I was told this was a male and a female but they both quack do Drakes ever quack? Also one of them has very short wings... I can send a picture in the morning if I need to.
Thank you so much for all your help! When I run out of this powder should I add all those things you mentioned or just one?
One more question I was told this was a male and a female but they both quack do Drakes ever quack? Also one of them has very short wings... I can send a picture in the morning if I need to.

You would just add one, for brewers yeast and nutritional yeast, you can add 1.5 tablespoons per cup of feed, the B complex dosage would depend on the ingredients, so you'd have to let us know what you are using before we give a dosage, Cattle B complex Durvet Injectable is a great brand.

Males cannot quack, only females will quack, matured males sound like bad smokers. Sounds like you have two females!

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