Advice please.

So I had a baby goose hatch and it took very long. Over 24 hours. So I gently helped it and now I see he pooped in the egg already and now I see it has a protruded anus. View attachment 3045631 What can I do to help it?? Sorry I know the picture looks rather bad.
Can post a couple pictures of the wound as close up and focused as possible? With this picture I am unable to discern just what it is; possible a straight on picture.

Goslings are tough little birds so don't give up.
Can post a couple pictures of the wound as close up and focused as possible? With this picture I am unable to discern just what it is; possible a straight on picture.

Goslings are tough little birds so don't give up.
He has eaten a bit feed and drank quite a bit vitamin water already


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We can only try to do our best and you did.

For future hatches. If you think an assist may be needed it is easy to check if the time is right, and maybe you did, examine the membrane covering the chick/duckling/gosling/whatever. If there is blood in the membrane it is too soon to assist. Check every couple hours and when the membrane covering the baby is bloodless or nearly so, it is safe to assist. This new life should not be removed completely from the shell. To assist just remove the shell and membrane on the rounded end and allow the baby o kick its way free of the shell. Doing it this way assure that the yolk sack has been completely absorbed.

With your present gosling, keep the bad area clean as well as its surrounding. It is important to keep bacteria from entering the gosling's body. Good luck.
Thanks. This is helpful
He has eaten a bit feed and drank quite a bit vitamin water already
I've seen worse. Looks like he was a bit early. You've a good chance... Is he able to walk? The absorbed yolk provides all the needed nutrients he needs for the first three days, but keep offering food and water. If he lives past the three days from hatch you needn't worry. To things to watch for are infection-examine the abdomen skin which should be pink. If the abdomen becomes red/purple with streaks, infection has developed. Broad spectrum antibiotics followed with probiotics may help. The meds will not hurt him-follow directions. If on the third/fourth day he starts to weaken, sorry, nothing can be done.

I really think your gosling has a good chance if he is able to walk and move around.
I've seen worse. Looks like he was a bit early. You've a good chance... Is he able to walk? The absorbed yolk provides all the needed nutrients he needs for the first three days, but keep offering food and water. If he lives past the three days from hatch you needn't worry. To things to watch for are infection-examine the abdomen skin which should be pink. If the abdomen becomes red/purple with streaks, infection has developed. Broad spectrum antibiotics followed with probiotics may help. The meds will not hurt him-follow directions. If on the third/fourth day he starts to weaken, sorry, nothing can be done.

I really think your gosling has a good chance if he is able to walk and move around.
He walks a bit but not much. But he holds up his head and is alert. Would you clean the wound area with warm water or something else ?
He walks a bit but not much. But he holds up his head and is alert. Would you clean the wound area with warm water or something else ?
If the wound area has completely dried/scabbed over, leave it as is. If it should start bleeding use an antibiotic ointment, or something similar. Be careful there is nothing in his environment that might break the wound open. Goslings take a while to get their feet going. By tomorrow he should be walking around. Being alert and holding his head up are great signs.
If the wound area has completely dried/scabbed over, leave it as is. If it should start bleeding use an antibiotic ointment, or something similar. Be careful there is nothing in his environment that might break the wound open. Goslings take a while to get their feet going. By tomorrow he should be walking around. Being alert and holding his head up are great signs.
Thanks so much for this helpful info. I’ll post a picture of how he’s doing tomorrow
Thanks so much for this helpful info. I’ll post a picture of how he’s doing tomorrow
I will look forward to seeing pictures. I really hope he thrives.

I had button quail and call ducklings hatch these last two days. The tiny quail are doing great, but three ducklings DIS and two others died after hatching. The last five seem healthy. Disappointing-one was a rare color that sells for a higher price. I certainly would not want you to have to deal with such sadness and disappointment.
I will look forward to seeing pictures. I really hope he thrives.

I had button quail and call ducklings hatch these last two days. The tiny quail are doing great, but three ducklings DIS and two others died after hatching. The last five seem healthy. Disappointing-one was a rare color that sells for a higher price. I certainly would not want you to have to deal with such sadness and disappointment.
Awe that’s sad that it died. Sure must have been disappointing. I hope
To try hatching quail sometime yet but it’s hard to get the eggs around here
Awe that’s sad that it died. Sure must have been disappointing. I hope
To try hatching quail sometime yet but it’s hard to get the eggs around here
Where are you? For what it's worth, quail eggs ship more successfully than other eggs. I think it has to do with size; not much mass to be jolted around with each bump. I've had quail eggs shipped several times and each time had a good hatch. What kind of quail are you thinking of getting?

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