Advice please!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 28, 2014
Sitka, Alaska
Our older girls are 11 weeks and our littles are 6 weeks. This is day 2 of heaving them outdoors in a separated pen from the older girls but right next to the big girls pen. How will I know when it is safe to put them together? I hate the thought of trying and having a little one attacked.
If you want to play it safe, I'd keep them separate but near each other for a few weeks, then combine when they are all about the same size. Or, you could try it tomorrow and it would go fine, with only some pecking that didn't injure anyone. It's really not predictable. Good luck!
Our older girls are 11 weeks and our littles are 6 weeks. This is day 2 of heaving them outdoors in a separated pen from the older girls but right next to the big girls pen. How will I know when it is safe to put them together? I hate the thought of trying and having a little one attacked.

I've mixed up fully grown Pekins with 2 month Marans
All I can say is don't leave then alone
Let them out only while you are watching at first
When the attack they are fast and don't stop
I had to pull my maran off the pekin hen
Needless to say he got sent to bed early with no supper
As they're all young they may do better together now than if they were older, they may not be too territorial yet. If they are a bit territorial be prepared for some pecking etc, they'll eventually work it out though.

I've always introduced all of mine while they're all free ranging and they have been ok. I routinely introduce my older flock to our transient broilers chicks while ranging and they don't love them but they do fine. Just give them time to get used to each other before they're in a confined space alone together. Enjoy your babies!
Good luck. Our gap is larger, 15 and 6 week olds, so it's taking us longer. Ugh I wish it were easier! I've got the little ones in a cage inside the coop. Lol
We let the little ones out to see. There was a bit of pecking and my sweet little fuzzy feet (dark brahma) came running to me for safety. Lol over all they did great. We are going to try letting them mingle a bit each day until the little ones feel safer. Thanks for all the advice and good luck. Lol I can see luck is a big part. Lol
I've mixed up fully grown Pekins with 2 month Marans
All I can say is don't leave then alone
Let them out only while you are watching at first
When the attack they are fast and don't stop
I had to pull my maran off the pekin hen
Needless to say he got sent to bed early with no supper

Awww poor baby!! I'm a doting momma so I sit with them talking with them while out. I ended up standing between them and shaking my finger in stars face (black star) telling her how mean she was and to stop it!! Lol. She must have understood me because she wandered away to go bathe. Lol

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