**Advice/reviews needed on Premade roll away nest box "The Best Nest Box"?


9 Years
Aug 18, 2014
Needville Texas
My Coop
My Coop
I am looking for anyone who has bought "The Best Nest Box"


I have an established flock, and just recently expanded run with separate coop for my new comers!!
I have 15 new chicks(7 week olds) and before they start laying, I wanted to buy a front roll out nesting box.
I am considering purchasing this nesting box, but can't seem to find too many reviews on it. I realize that many of you just go and build your own roll away nesting boxes, however I want to just be lazy and buy it!
Has anyone had issues with it being a cummunity nesting box?
I always thought hens would prefer nesting boxes with partitions.

If anyone has these particular boxes, or anyone have another premade front roll out nesting box, please give me your thoughts and expierences.
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I would love to know if anyone has used them as well. We built our own last year but the wood does not hold up well when made from osb boards, and if you go with heavier material you end up spending quite a bit more and have a very heavy set up. Not to mention that wood DIY boxes are not easy to clean or sanitize. We are going to purchase one of these this spring, so if there are no responses at least I can update this summer!
I would love to know if anyone has used them as well. We built our own last year but the wood does not hold up well when made from osb boards, and if you go with heavier material you end up spending quite a bit more and have a very heavy set up. Not to mention that wood DIY boxes are not easy to clean or sanitize. We are going to purchase one of these this spring, so if there are no responses at least I can update this summer!
What does your chicken do in there box? Ours are wood floors and wall and all I have done the last year was replace bedding once and only cause I wanted to see which one the liked .Straw, pine chips and hay. They like the wood chips best as I can tell right now. I'm switching it up again next week but for the last 3 weeks they have been more eggs in the pine chips no matter what box it is in.

I am also looing for 3 boxes and prefer rollaway for the run. I'll be following this tread.

My birds were pigs, even thought they didn't roost in the homemade boxes they would still poop in them, and a few girls would still managed to break their eggs before they could make it to the roll out. Egg was impossible to clean out of these boxes.
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My girls are on pine chips. I guess I am lucky because my whole reason for getting this box is not breaking or eating eggs. I have a broody hen problem.
I have hens who are constantly going broody, and I can't have anymore chickens. I would love to, however I have expanded the coop and run 4-5 times now because of this, and enough is enough.
I already have 26 chickens, with another broody on eggs.
My in laws said no more expanding.(the coop is on their property, so I have to abide by their rules!

We live in a neighborhood that does not allow chickens, and my husband's family has a large ranch about 60 miles away.
I travel there 2 x a week to clean, play and be around them. My husband is there working most other days, so sometimes the eggs don't get picked up immediately.
I know it's not the ideal situation, however it's all I have right now, while the kids are still in school. Our coop and run is completely surrounded with hardware cloth, so the chickens get 24/7 access to the coop and run.
When my husband or I are ther they freerange all day long.
I just want the brooding to stop. I can't be there all the time to break them, and I have had 5 hatches within a 8 month period!!
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Did you build a community roll out or the partition style nest box? Did you build the front or rear roll away style?
I assume that if I buy these before the chicks start to lay(all the chicks, even the recently broody hatched ones) that they might use them because they wouldn't know any other way.
Just a quick follow up on the box!!
I love it!!
All the new girls have started laying in it, and a few of the older girls lay in it. We still have a few eggs everyday on the floor and even on the poop boards.
We did notice that one of our new girls has gone broody in it. Trying to stop her as I type this!!
We live in the hot, and humid Texas heat, and initially I was worried about temps getting too warm inside the box, since it doesn't have vents anywhere beside the obvious front.
I needn't have worried, the box is cool enough with the open airflow beneath the box!!
Just a quick follow up on the box!!
I love it!!
All the new girls have started laying in it, and a few of the older girls lay in it. We still have a few eggs everyday on the floor and even on the poop boards.
We did notice that one of our new girls has gone broody in it. Trying to stop her as I type this!!
We live in the hot, and humid Texas heat, and initially I was worried about temps getting too warm inside the box, since it doesn't have vents anywhere beside the obvious front.
I needn't have worried, the box is cool enough with the open airflow beneath the box!!
Thank you for your review. I know it was a long time ago, but I am looking to get this box and wonder if you are still happy with your purchase.

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