African Goose Hatching Eggs & Blue Slate Turkey Hatching Eggs


14 Years
Nov 12, 2009
Covington, OK
African Goose Hatching Eggs from our geese. These geese are free range and come up to the house to lay their eggs. We let them run with our chickens and ducks and they are nothing but gentle. They are not aggressive at us at all. You will get 6+ eggs. I pack these eggs extra well. I feel that being mailed is hard on the eggs and I double box them with air pillows and pad the box they are shipped in. I feel it makes a difference in their hatch rate. Shipping is $20.00.
I only ship in the United States. Please message me and I will be taking orders and mail them as we get eggs. Our geese are laying pretty good right now and usually lay all summer,. These are full blood African Geese they are not mixed breed.
Blue Slate Turkeys 6+ Eggs. Shipping is 20.00. These Turkeys have had some palm turkeys with them but as time goes on I do not keep any palms to breed into them They throw a white turkey less. I did have a black slate hatch from some blue slate turkey eggs I had bought and those are mixed right in. Blue Slate turkeys will throw a Black Slate Turkey once in while.
Fertility on our eggs is good. The Turkeys and Goose eggs I sat in incubator are doing well. The Geese I sat 13 eggs and 13 have babies making in them. The Turkeys I sat 30 and about 27 have babies forming so I feel that is pretty good. The Turkey eggs are 12.00 for 6+ eggs with 20.00 shipping and the same on the Goose eggs.
I only ship to the USA. Message me to order.
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I would like to buy African goose hatching eggs. Please advise when they may be available along with the steps to buy them - thank you.


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