Age/Breed for first egg?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 26, 2009
Curious about everyone's first eggs. How old was the pullet and what breed?
Not sure on the age, but I'm thinking about 22-24 weeks old. And it was my EE hen!
I had 3 start at 16 wks. They were Barred Rock, BSL, and RIR. By 20 wks 10 out of 11 were laying including, BA, SLW, and BO.
Last year was I first eggs, and they where layed when I was on vacation. They where 18wks one white (WL) and 2 brown (from any of the following BR, CM, RIR, BA)
And now I'm waiting for when those guys babies start, the 12 oldest babies turned 14wks yesterday.
One of my red sex liinks started laying at 14 1/2 weeks! She just started getting regular this week. The other hasn't even started squatting at 18. And the rest of my pullets are still too young.

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