Aggressive 4-month-old silkie roo

Three Silkies

7 Years
Jan 9, 2013
Adelaide, South Australia
Hi. I have a 4-month-old silkie roo penned with 2 silkie pullets the same age. Lately, he has been really mean. He has been pecking the girls until the scream and today he went both me and a friend of mine. He won't let the hens eat the fresh veg I give them (but still lets them eat their grain) and now they are hiding upstairs from him and panting with stress. Do I have to get rid of him or is there a way I can train him to be nicer? (First time chicken owner. Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you)!
Can't train aggression out of a cockerel. He's still young and may eventually calm down a bit, but I'd cull him just to give the hens a break from that kind of behavior.

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