Aggressive hen, unknown breed


In the Brooder
Jun 21, 2015
Hello. My hen which is about 12 weeks old chases my new hens, it's not all day and for the most part they stay separate but she chases them and if she can she'll grab the father's on their back/neck. Should I be worried?
that's the hen and these are the newbies
Could you get a close up picture of her face? It looks worryingly swollen, but it may be just the picture...
How old are your new pullets? If they are significantly smaller/younger than her, it's possible she could hurt them. It's pretty normal for a few scuffles to happen during integration, and they should be okay if they're about the same size
I'm not the best at pictures! The big ones are 12 weeks but we free range, the others are from a breeder and are supposed to be similar age
I'm not the best at pictures! The big ones are 12 weeks but we free range, the others are from a breeder and are supposed to be similar age
As long as they have plenty of space, they should be fine :)
I think it may have just been the picture and the angle she was looking at you, just worried me for a moment!
It looks like maybe a hatchery-quality New Hampshire, Production Red, or a mix of production-type red birds. She should lay really well :)
Yea they've got room thank goodness! And we're in the process of making a larger run and coop for winter. I went out to take these pictures and o e of my buffs was clucking which I haven't heard them do so Im not sure if that's good or not! Lol I mean they are chickens after all

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