Aggressive male pot belly


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 22, 2013
Hello about a week ago I rescued a 10 year old pot belly. His feet are extremely long, he is not fixed and he is very aggressive. I don't think he was exposed to many things. He lived in a small back yard and the lady said she never took him out. He is also extremely fat I would say 100 pounds and his skin is flakey. My ? Is is he able to be tamed at this age I was told he was 10 but he maybe older. For most of the day he just lays around he has finally started to do his business outside of his house. When I go in there he just grows at me. Please any suggestion would help thank you.

I do not profess to know anything about pigs but I would suspect that getting him neutered, if at all possible, just might help his attitude a whole lot! If a vet can get that done maybe they can help with the overgrown hooves at the same time. I would think that getting rid of the hormones and giving him some time to settle in and get used to you may go a long way towards improving his outlook.
The very first thing you need to do is to get him neutered. Secondly, pigs will sell their souls for treats. You can utilize that to tame him. After he is neutered. Of course, if he doesn't tame down after a reasonable time sausage is always an alternative......
I agree. Get the veterinarian out ASAP, and get him neutered and his feet done. Discuss a diet plan for him and BE CAREFUL! Boars can be very dangerous, and pigs are omnivores; I wouldn't be in the pen with him without backup. Mary
Thanks everyone I've got ahold of a vet who will fix him and I will always have someone around when I go in his pen.
You can keep a piece of plywood with you when you go into the pen. If he gets aggressive you can put it between yourself and him as a shield.
I would agree with getting him neutered. Treats will get you on his good side, but being in a new place he is probably a little more on edge to begin with. If he is aggressive towards you and you back down, he is ultimately showing his dominance in his "new herd" and more likely than not views himself as boss hog
Good luck, piggies are the best... once you get them tame, of course!

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