Aggressive roosters and squirt bottle


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 3, 2014
We started our chicken flock when my grandaughters class incubated some eggs, and we agreed to take four of the chicks when the class was done with them. Well, 3 of the four turned out to be roosters. We have since acquired 10 more hens, and gave away one of the roosters as he became very aggressive towards us. One of the two remaining roosters is just starting to show some aggressive behavior towards us. The 3 we got from my Grandaughter are just about to turn 1 years old.
I accidently stumbled on to a deterrent for the rooster...a squirt bottle filled with water. I was watering one day around their coop while they were out and saw that none of them like getting wet. I grabbed an empty spray bottle, filled it with water and walked up to Dixon the newly aggressive he stepped sideways I gave him a couple of squirts and off away he went! I have only done it a couple of times, and at this point in time, he has not done his sideways dance at anyone! Has anyone else done this? If so, does it continue to work?
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It's a deterrent, but still do not trust him around children. Roosters can be sneaky buggers, and the potential for serious damage to a child remains.

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