Aggressive Silkie rooster


In the Brooder
Jul 24, 2022
A few weeks ago, I found the hen I have with a wound on its head. I concluded it was the result of the silkie rooster attacking it. I had them separated and would bring the hen out so that they could see each other without having physical contact. Today, I let the silkie out of the coop to spend time with the hen hoping I'd be able to reintegrate her soon. It ended up sinking its beak into the hen's neck and I had to yank the rooster off to get it to let go. The hen immediately ran off into the coop to get away and it took some coaxing to get her back out. Needless to say, they will remain separated. The rooster also has a tendency to bite me as well and I'm wondering if it's even worth keeping this rooster around if it's going to behave this aggressively towards everyone.
It ended up sinking its beak into the hen's neck and I had to yank the rooster off to get it to let go.

The rooster also has a tendency to bite me as well and I'm wondering if it's even worth keeping this rooster around if it's going to behave this aggressively towards everyone.
OMG no! He's horrible. He has NONE of the qualities you should be looking for in a flock leader. He needs to go and you can't be concerned with someone putting him in the freezer. Honestly, that's where this one belongs.
OMG no! He's horrible. He has NONE of the qualities you should be looking for in a flock leader. He needs to go and you can't be concerned with someone putting him in the freezer. Honestly, that's where this one belongs.
Friend doesn't want to get rid of the rooster so we put him in a separate enclosure. Maybe he'll calm down given enough time, but for the time being, he's not going back in with the hen.
A few weeks ago, I found the hen I have with a wound on its head. I concluded it was the result of the silkie rooster attacking it. I had them separated and would bring the hen out so that they could see each other without having physical contact. Today, I let the silkie out of the coop to spend time with the hen hoping I'd be able to reintegrate her soon. It ended up sinking its beak into the hen's neck and I had to yank the rooster off to get it to let go. The hen immediately ran off into the coop to get away and it took some coaxing to get her back out. Needless to say, they will remain separated. The rooster also has a tendency to bite me as well and I'm wondering if it's even worth keeping this rooster around if it's going to behave this aggressively towards everyone.
Get him some blinders. A $2 piece of plastic will end all your troubles. I put them on an Ayam Cemani who actively sought out my very docile Americauna Rooster with clearly murderous intent.

I haven't had an incident since and my Americauna is living his best life.

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