Aggressive TO ME One Week Old Chick (PIC)

Chicky Tocks

14 Years
Oct 20, 2008
Benton, Arkansas
I hatched some chicks from my own stock of White EE Rooster over Buff Orpington hen. The chick in question I have dubbed "Little Bastid" I'm pretty sure it's a cockeral. The chick in the background of this photo hatched the day after this one and is feathering out a lot faster and has already sprouted tailfeathers. The little black chick is an australorp and is 3 days old for size reference.

So...Lil Bastid is aggressive towards me! When I stick my hand in the brooder, he attacks me! Sometimes before I get my hand all the way down, he'll jump up in the air with his little feet and peck at me! Does anyone have experience with this? He's ONE week old! I've never brooded a chick like this, is he going to grow up to be the cockeral from Hades?

I also have to add that these chicks are VERY big and sturdy. They're big as a duckling already and actually feels thick and meaty like a duckling. The little girl is not aggressive by any means. So cute, but SO ornary! And yes, little pewp machines. That brooder was changed and fresh as a daisy this morning.

wow i'd never think i would have heard about a human agressive chick, exspecially at 1wk old! but i don't think you would be able to change it's personality. hope it doesn't turn out to be the cockeral from hades, though!
good luck!!
It don't think that attidtude is the only thing you would worry about. That looks like some bloody poop. I would give them corid ASAP.
No Maxx, that's not bloody pewp. I promise. I took that photo from my I Phone and these chicks couldn't be any healthier. That's stomped pewp.
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I had a Black Australorpe chick that was very aggressive. Full out attack everytime I went near the brooder. I even got a little nervous about feeding time. She completely turned around and became very docile when she turned about 6 months old. She was never friendly, but stopped the attacks. To this day I have no idea why. The other 2 chicks with her were never aggressive.

The very first chick I hatched out is from my own chickens, a BLRW roo over BO hens. He was just as you describe, but not really vicious - he just would charge my hand and then when I put my hand around his chest he would let me pick him up. But he was (and still is) a constant peeper! I could pretty much tell he was a roo from the get-go.

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