Ah Crap!!!!!!

Clay In Iowa

11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
Near Wilton Iowa
My best layer has done gone broody on me.. She rarely misses a day and has laid 22 eggs in 24 days ... but now she's been trying to hatch 3 golf balls for about a week now....

Any hope of breaker her of her brooding ways?
Put eggs under her and let her have some babies.
Sometimes if I have too many broody hens I just give them 3 eggs and they are happy. I let mother nature take course. Maybe she just wants a break after all that egg laying.

Actually if you put her in a cage by herself for a while it may break her. I had one broody that everytime I move her and her eggs she doesn't want anything to do with them. Bad thing is that she goes broody again in a few weeks.
I know! I know! *raises hand*

Put some Barnie eggs under that girl for me! LOL. Kidding!

A friend gave me a trick he used to do. I'm having the same problem with my Goldies.

Put the hen under a box for the day. Let her out at dusk to eat and roost. See what she does the next day. It may take a few days. I have a milk crate I use when it's hot so she doesn't overheat. I also wet down the concrete so it's cool for her.

3 days of this and it broke mine. It worked. Good luck!
If my Barnies were laying I'd consider it. Unfortunately they probably wont start till mid-late October.

I'll try the box thing. It's not like she leaves the coop anyway.

I could let her sit on some almost certainly mixed eggs. Likely to be BCM, Blue Wheaten Amaraucanas, EEs or OEs..... hmmmm....any one in Iowa want some mixed chickies????
Don't put any bird in a box in this weather!

Put her in a cage for about a week and just feed and water her like normal. Usually when they stop clucking they are ready to go back.
I can isolate her in some very posh diggs. I'll try that.

She is an OE (sent as a "Pure Bred" Amaraucana).. Go figure..

But I love her just the same. I get a lovely large olive green egg almost every day. And to boot she has THE BEST temperament, calm, friendly and not the least bit flighty. She will let my 4 year old pick her up anytime.
I used a wire bottomed cage with no bedding in my garage where it's cool and dim for a few days. It broke my broody twice this season. Unfortunately, she kept returning to her broody state after a few weeks. She has finally stopped for good just these past few weeks because she is molting. Silly chicken has been a free-loader this year. I've gotten maybe a handful of eggs from her since April.

Good luck.

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