ahh! storm bad!


9 Years
Nov 18, 2010
Crestview, FL
So I don't have a barn and my birds are kept in open air pens with range roosts. TS/Hurricane issac is possibly headed my way. I am freaking out a little bit.

My contingency plan is to rent a uhaul trailer, line it with plastic and stuff everybody in it. It will be crowded but better than having to weather the storm outside unprotected.

Does anyone else have a better idea?

I have 40 turkeys (thankfully not all full size yet), 6 ducks and 13 chickens.
Oh wow. I dont have any ideas for you but I wish you much luck with all your birds and hope they all stay safe. Do you have a garage? A uhaul trailer seems like it might do the trick as long as you wouldnt have to leave them in there for too long.
A horse trailer might be a better idea since it has ventilation. If you're in a flood area or expect really high rains, make sure they have a roost to get out of the water. I'd probably put the ducks and chickens in my utility room.
I have never been threw a Hurricane had some close calls with tornadoes being in the Tornado ally area.
What ever you think would be best you know how bad it might get from past history in your area.
The horse trailer sounds like a good Idea to me if it would be heavy enough or you could even get your hands on one.
Depending how open the trailer is you might have to get your hands on a heavy Tarp and strap it down really well any thing to keep those strong winds off the birds.
Depending on the size of Trailer you choose would it need to be ancord down.

Best of luck to ya.
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As of right now the storm is going well west of me- we are expecting heavy rain still but that is workable. Birds have ridden out some pretty big thunderstorms with no additional shelter so for now I am going to just continue as is.

Hopefully I will never have to implement the uhaul plan.
i laughed when i read your first post :) your idea was something i would end up doing haha xD last year there was a hurricane going up the east coast and i almost ended up having 50 chickens 2 turkeys and 6 goats in my basement with my family xD thankfully it wasnt that bad and was just a lot of rain and a few branches down... i wish you a lot of luck! :D
Off Topic but did you know that's were Germans keep there Pigs and Cattle.
The hay is kept in the loft of the home with a shaft down to the animals were there kept under the house when not grazing I was there for 3 1/2 years.
It was a great setup and no real smell ether.

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