10 Years
Oct 28, 2009
Beverly Hills, CA
So . . .I have breeding issues.

This is my post from 3 days ago .. .

"When my parakeets bred the first time everything went almost perfectly !! NOW the eggs are almost a week or 2 overdue ! A baby from the last breeding ( now maturing, lost most of the head bars now) has been going in the nest box for like the past 2 weeks and, well I assumed, helping with incubation. Today . ..

Today I wake up and see BLOOD ALL OVER !! on the perches, on the nestbox and all in bloody little footprints ! I look in the box to see half an egg covered in blood, the membrane was bloody too and I didn't find a body. Later in the day, I notice that the hen had thrown out an egg. I opened it. It was never fertile. I looked at ALL the birds feet to see if any were obviously bloody. I couldn't find a suspect

A week earlier a egg dropped when I looked in the box, it was cracked by the fall so I opened it . .. It had a good healthy growing chick. No smell

Should I leave the 3 eggs that are left ?? Or should I remove them and hope for better luck next time"

I was told to take out the eggs and the past hatch babies . . I hadnt check the thread until today.

So as I go to do that I open the nest box to remove the eggs and what do I find . . . 5 EGGS !!

2 MORE THAN 3 days ago !! WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW !!

I think the offspring from last time that is "helping incubate the eggs" is a male. Will the new eggs be fertile ?
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I don't know. If I were you, the best thing I would do is find them foster parents. Do you have other breeding pairs? But that was just a suggestion. Besides, you shouldn't listen to me. I probably don't know what I'm talking about :p
The babies are prolly mating with the parents if you want deformed birds leave them in there take chances of fights or deaths if not take out the babies and eggs. And take out the box.

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