ailee pipped this morning!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 21, 2012
Phoenix AZ
we have 2 eggs that my hen is sitting on right now and one of them is on day 21! this morning i was half asleep and i heardmy girl go nuts. at the time the other girls still had access to her box so i flewout of bed and ran out there. she was standing in the yard freaing out so i went and kicked the other hen out of the box and snapped a few pics of the egg. theres a pip! but what worries me is the pip looks like it was done from the outside. its breathing in the egg but i cant see its beak so im not sure if its trned or the pip wasnt its own fault. can someone with better hatching history help me out?

shes still breathing, i could see her breathing in the shell so i know thats fine. i locked my broody momma back in with her eggs so no one else can get to her. im gonna check on her again in a few minutes but as long as she is sitting on them they should be fine humidity wise right? i realy have no way to check the humidity in her box
That's the nice thing about hatching by the broody method - temp and humidity are always what they should be. That's how they've been able to procreate without human intervention for thousands of years. =)
I figures that much :) my biggest concern is the surival of this chick though. Both kids are totally excited about it being born and my biggest fear is having to go buy a chick from the feed store last minute lol
Hii... I can see that the pip is from the smaller end of the egg.. so you're maybe right that the beak is not seen... let him with the mommy then check after few hours for any improvements... if nothing happens tomorrow.... you might consider helping him to hatch....
ok so i went to check on them a few minutes ago and she was pecking at the egg some more so i shood her off and she had eaten the part of the egg that his head was and he is now out!he is still attatched to the shell by his butt and there is a little bit of blood, should i be worried about the blood?
Mmm... ok... was his mommy pecking on him or another hen... and can you get another pic of him attached to the egg... I want to know in what is he attached to the shell.. by a thin ambelical cord like organ... or a yellow sack still attached to him... please reply quickly becaise hos life might be on the edge..
the momma was pecking at him. i took him inside and set him on a warm towel. it was just a cord that was attatched not the rest of him. he has been wigling and peeping on the towel and the little cord broke in the wiggling so the egg is not attatched any more. when i was able to look at the egg it looks like the blood came from a vessel in the shell that had been broked when it got pecked by the momma. ailee is doing good now, hes moving all over the box but not walking yet but he will move around for a minute and then go back to sleep. the yolk looks like its almost all the way absorbed because its just a little yellow bump on the butt area and then the tiny string of cord that was left hanging when he snapped it.
before the cord broke and he was still attatched to the egg

moving around a bit more and opening his eyes and chirping
inside of the shell. the right side is where the air sac was but my thumb on the left is where momma broke the shell. this is all thats left of the shell because she ate the rest
Mmm ok... that's great.. so the yolk is absorbed.. now put him under a heat lamp... he'll chill to death if not brooded... or try putting him under momma and see if she accepts him or not if she lets him crowl under her and doesn't try to peck him so she accepted him.. trust me he's going to die this night if you don't put him in a brooder... the brooder is a place (a card boar box or something) where there's a lamp that keep the chicks warm... the temp in the brooder on the thermometer should be around 95 F.... he's not old enough or strong enough to be ok whith a warm towel.... please try putting him under momma now as it's evening and going to night time now... she probably will accept him... she was pecking on the egg thinking it's food and curious about it.... try it... and in the morning her instinct will tell her that this is your baby and she'll take care of him better than anyone.... updates with pics are a must... best waves of wishes from here..
im gonna try to put her with the momma but i know shes got one more egg shes sitting on and she is very cranky about me going anywhere near the coop. he is on a heating pad (super low and its under his box at one end only.) and shes up and moving around.

shes been scooting off her towel all after noon lol

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